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Mayor �avid Grant <br />February 28, 201'f <br />Page Fvur <br />Mr�1DOT respanse — MnIDQT has already met with Ramsey County to discuss this area and the <br />possib�e impra�ements. lt has been a�reed that MnIDOT wilf coniinue ta wark with Ramsey <br />Caunty, with input frorn Arder� Hills and Shoreview, in assess�ng possible impro�ements. Mn/DOT <br />wifl work witf� the eou�ty in the subm�ttal af a Coopera#i�e Agreement project. The Cooperative <br />Agreemer�t process is a very time[y process that aflocat�s mflney within the same year as the <br />application. If successf�l, this may allow for a project to be compfeted concurrently or shar#ly after <br />th� completion of the I-694/TH 5� praject. <br />Mn/D�T has committed to fnding funding fo� the MnIDOT share of improvements ta the Lexington <br />A��nus area tha� are eligible. <br />7- The City requ�sts that MnDOT agree to vrork with Ramsey County fo identrfy any potentral <br />changes �hat caulci ,be made to the Lexingfon Avenue Bridge and adjoining intersecti�ns tf►at woufc� <br />improve their operatran and make such improvements prior to the completion of the 1-694 <br />ir�terchange. <br />MnIDOT r�sponse — MnlDOT commits ta making changes to the Lexington Ave bridge deck to <br />allow far side by side le'fi turn Ianes fror� Lexington Ave to I-694 as a separate project from the i- <br />694 bridge replac�ment projec�. This work will be compteted cancurrent�y with the I-694 bridge <br />replacemen� project and will use Trunk Highway dolfars far the impravements. Project <br />development has aiready be�n initiatecf. <br />8-- The City r�quests �hat MnDOT change the Iayaut as necessary to provide the required spacing <br />and appropriate (6arrier) separatron for a 10 foat wide bifurninous trai! on the west side of o!d <br />Snelling Avenue/ald TN 10 as it passes under 1-694. <br />MnIDOT respanse —Comp[eted - ln the deveiopmer�t of the layout, Mn/DOT worked with the <br />Minnesota State Aid Design 5tandards to desigrt the necessary space for a trai� crossing und�r the <br />bridge. <br />9— The City requesfs that MnDOT construct a non-motorized/pedestrian br�dge acrass TH 9Q to <br />connect Norfh Snelling Avenue to the frarl connection under 1-694 identified in #8 above. <br />An Equa� 4ppo�tun9�y Employer , , <br />� -,. _ � -. _,,: <br />�� y�� � �. , <br />;� . ���� _ .. <br />