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contingent cost liability arising during �he terrn o� this Law Enforcement <br />Service Contract and assessed against ihe COUNTY. Upon natification to <br />the CO[JNTY of any such contingent cost liability, the CQLTNTY will <br />notify the MLTNICIPALITY in a tirnely manner. <br />C. TERM OF AGREEMENT/TERMINATTON <br />This agreement shall comrnence January 1, 2010 and sha.�l be in effect <br />through Decernber 31, 2012. Tf either p�y intends noi to renew the <br />agree�ent at the end of its term, the party �zaust notify the oiher party and <br />other MIJNICII'ALITIE� in writing at least nine {9} cal�ndar months prior <br />to the end of the contract term. �f either party has not approvec� a <br />successor agreement at the end of the term, the COUNTY will continue to <br />provide law enforcerner�t services in accordance w'rth fhis agreement. <br />2. Either party may terminate this Agreement at the end of a ca�endar year <br />and pxior to the end of the term a� the Agreement by notifying �e other <br />party to this Agreement and the other MUNICIPALITIES in writing of <br />their intent to terminate the Agreement at least nine (9} calendar mon#hs <br />priar to the end af the calendar year. <br />3. Notice to the COLTNTY shall be given to the County Manager and <br />Ramsey County Sheriff, and Notice to ihe MLTNICIPALITY shall be <br />given to the MUNICIPALITY' S City Manager. Notice to the other <br />MUNICIPALTTIES vsr�ill be given in accordance with the notice provisior�s <br />ai the contracts between the COLJNTY and the o�her MUNICIPALITIES. <br />D. COST AND PAYMENT <br />The 1VIUIVICIPALITY agrees to pay the COUNTY the actual cost of <br />providing all sez-vices covered by this Agreement. Actual cost shall mean <br />the MiJNICIPALITY'S pro rata share o�the COUNTY'S totai cost of <br />providing patrol and police protection services as described in this <br />Agreement to the MiJNICIPALITIES with which the COUNTY has <br />agreements far the current cont�act year, including, but not limited to the <br />following: salaries of employees engaged in pexforming said services, <br />Fncluding vacatzon and sick leave; �nileage, uniforms; public employees <br />retirernent contributions; workers' campensation, automobile, general <br />liability and police professional liability insurance costs or the cosi of s�lf <br />insurance; general overhead, including indirect expenses and supplies, <br />radio unit expense, az�d health and r�velfa�e expense. The term "costs" as <br />used herein sha11 nat include items of expense attributable to services or <br />facilities normaliy provided ar available to all cities within the COLTNTY <br />as part of the COUNTY' S obligation to enforce state law. Computation of <br />actual cosis hereunder shall be made by the Ramsey County Budgeting & <br />Accounting Division based on informatian provided by the Sheriff. <br />5 <br />