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2. During the tern� of this Agreement, the COUNTY sha11 annually subzxizt a <br />Budget Estimate for the following year of services to the <br />MUN�CTPALITY no later thar� August 1 of the current year. Said Budget <br />Estimate will be for the limited purpose of bett�r enabling the <br />IVI[_JNICIPALITY to estirr�ate its annual budget and tax levy. It i� <br />understood by the parties to this Agreement that said Budget Estirnate <br />shall in na way prevent the COUNTY �'rom charging its actual costs. <br />3. If the MLTNICIPALYTY does not allocate the necessary funding for its <br />proportionate share of the COiJNTY' S Approved Budget to the <br />MUNICIPALITIES for a given year, the MUNICIPALITY and the <br />COLTNTY must meet by January 31 oithe budget year in question to <br />review and reach agreernent on xnodifications to service levels provided by <br />the C4LTNTY that are consistent with the MiJNICIPALTTY' S budget and <br />that recognize the impact of �ese service level changes to o�hex <br />MUNICIPALITIES that contract with the COUNTY for tl�ese services. <br />4. Unless the COLJNTY az�.d MUN�CYPALITY have reached agreeme�t <br />purs�ant to the prior paragraph far a change in the MUNICTPALITY' S <br />contribution, the COUNTY shall bill the MUNICIPALITY on a monthly <br />basis in advance in an amount equa� to one-twelfth {1/12) oi the Budget <br />Estirnate for services to the MLTNICIPALITY. The MLTNICIPALiTY <br />shail pay ihe COUNTY within 45 days of receipt of tk�e monthly <br />statement. At the close of the contract year, the COiJNTY will reconcile <br />the cutrent year Budget Esiimate and current year actual costs, shall <br />provide a copy of the current year actua.l cost to the MUNICIPALITY, and <br />shall either give a credit to the MUNICIPALITY or bill the <br />MiTNTCIPALITY far additional costs in excess of the Budget Estimate. <br />E. GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />1. Tt is understood that prosecutions far violations of ordinances or state <br />statutes, together with disposition of a11 fnes col�ected pursuant ttaereto, <br />shall be in accordance with state statutes, state rules, and judicial orders. <br />2. The Raznsey County Sheriff's Offce shall submit to the MUNTCIPALITY <br />quartexly activity reports detailing the activities of the Sheriff's Off ce <br />under this agreement vvithin the MIJNYCIPALITY. Said reports shall <br />contain, at a minimum, the number of calls answered and the nuzraber of <br />citations issued. However, no information will be provid�d which would <br />violate the �tate Data Practices Act. <br />The NIUNICIPALITY may contract wzth the COUNTY for additional law <br />enforcement services above and beyond ihose provided in this agreement. <br />C <br />