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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes February 15, 2011 <br />Page 3 <br />D. Other Unfinished Business <br />Committee Member Straumann indicated that Ramsey County will be placing 300 <br />benches throughout their regional parks and this would include the Tony Schmidt <br />Regional Park. <br />Ms. Olson recapped the 1,000 Bench Grant Program through Active Living Ramsey <br />County. This was a program they looked at a couple of years ago and because of the <br />requirements of the grant it was not cost - effective to move forward with it. They are <br />making changes to the requirements and then this may be something the committee <br />would like to revisit. Ms. Olson indicated that they will also have $5,000 from the Bench <br />Implementation Program in 2011 and also have one donated bench they will be placing. <br />She will bring back a map with placement of the benches to see if the committee agrees <br />with the placement. <br />Chair Scott asked if they would be doing the trail tour before placing the benches. Mr. <br />Maurer indicated they could always order the benches and wait until after the trail tour to <br />place. <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. PTRC /Council Joint Work Session Agenda <br />Chair Scott mentioned that their next meeting is the work session on Monday, March 21, <br />and that since this falls on the Monday before their regularly scheduled PTRC meeting; <br />they will not have the PTRC meeting. <br />Ms. Olson indicated the packet includes a draft agenda for the March work session. She <br />and Mr. Maurer impressed upon the committee that this is their meeting to find out where <br />the Council would like the PTRC to spend their time and energy. Goal Setting, CP Rail <br />Mural Contest, Valentine Park Improvements and CIP Input are suggested topics. In <br />May the staff will start looking at the next 5 -Year CIP and she would like the committee <br />to bring forth any ideas for improvements. Mr. Maurer indicated what the PTRC needs <br />to discuss with Council is what investment they feel should be allocated to the park <br />system over the next 5 to 10 years and what they feel is a reasonable investment in parks <br />relative to the other areas they need to spend money on. He indicated the trail <br />maintenance plan will also be on the agenda this year and any maintenance to the trails is <br />also a CIP improvement that would fall under the parks designation. Another item of <br />discussion would be in regards to trail expansion, which would fall under the CIP, and if <br />Council feels the PTRC should look for grants for specific trials or if the PTRC should <br />look for grants wherever they can find them. <br />Committee Member Straumann asked where things were at regarding reconstruction of <br />Old Snelling. Mr. Maurer indicated Council has all the information but basically has put <br />on hold until the CIP is done to see if Old Snelling is a priority versus some of the other <br />neighborhood streets. Mr. Maurer indicated he does not expect Council to discuss this <br />