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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes February 15, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />stated she informed the NSSA that at this point there really is no need for an additional <br />field because enrollment for soccer and other programs has gone down. Since the City <br />will be acquiring Hazelnut Park, the NSSA did express interest in giving a donation <br />possibly for irrigation of the field. The City had looked at the cost of irrigating when <br />they first looked at purchasing the land and the estimate came in at around $21,000- <br />$26,000 for the project. Ms. Olson felt that if the NSSA wanted to give a significant <br />contribution for the irrigation, this might be something that the PTRC would like to look <br />at for the CIP. The NSSA will be bringing back a proposal regarding the donation for <br />irrigation after talking to their board. <br />Committee Member Kramlinger asked if Council was only looking for the PTRC's <br />recommendation on going forward with this or if they also wanted the PTRC to set the <br />fees? <br />Ms. Olson stated they could discuss how in depth Council wanted the PTRC to go with <br />this at the March meeting. <br />Chair Scott indicated he feels that unless the City is faced with a real cash flow issue, and <br />since residents already pay tax dollars to maintain the fields, he would rather not charge <br />fees. <br />Chair Scott indicated if it does come to the fact that some fee structure is mandated, he <br />would like to recommend that they focus on the adult activities rather than the youth <br />groups. <br />Ms. Olson indicated this would be brought back for analysis after the March joint <br />meeting. <br />C. Valentine Park Improvement Process <br />Mr. Maurer recapped that when he attended the last PTRC meeting they had talked about <br />the second drainage report which was presented to Council. The Council had accepted <br />that study and gave direction to move forward to expend the money in the CIP in the <br />amount of $50,000 for play structure replacement and $260,000 for other drainage /park <br />improvements. He indicated in January he went to Council and presented the memo <br />which is included in the packet under agenda item 3C. Mr. Maurer summarized the <br />process. Public Works Director Maurer indicated that after the public participation they <br />plan to meet with the PTRC on recommendations and then take those recommendations <br />to Council for direction on proceeding with the plans and specs, and then once again <br />meet with the PTRC on the completion of plans and specifications. The process is set up <br />so that construction would not start until later this year making the park available during <br />the summer months and also allowing enough time for the process. Public Works <br />Director Maurer informed that he and Ms. Olson had met with a park planner earlier that <br />day and will be looking for a proposal from them. If the proposal is appropriate they plan <br />on embarking on public participation in the form of an Open House and will include <br />some kind of questionnaire in the Open House notice that the residents can send back <br />with options for the park. <br />