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Kristine Giga, P.E. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />April 6, 2011 <br />Page 4 <br />An operations analysis was conducted for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours at each of the key <br />intersections to determine how traffic currently operates in the study area. The key intersections <br />were analyzed using a combination of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and <br />Synchro /SimTraffic software (version 7). For documentation purposes, the operations reported <br />in the following tables are based on results produced from the HCM, which depicts a more <br />accurate result due to its ability to account for dual stage crossing. <br />Capacity analysis results identify a Level of Service (LOS), which indicates how well an <br />intersection is operating. The LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle. Intersections <br />are given a ranking from LOS A through LOS F. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation and <br />LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity. In the Twin Cities metropolitan <br />area, LOS A through D is generally considered acceptable by drivers. For side - street stop <br />controlled intersections, special emphasis is given to providing an estimate for the level of <br />service of the minor approach. Traffic operations at unsignalized intersections with side- street <br />stop control can be described in two ways. First, consideration is given to the overall intersection <br />level of service. This takes into account the total number of vehicles entering the intersection and <br />the capability of the intersection to support those volumes. Second, it is important to consider the <br />delay on the minor approach. Since the mainline does not have to stop, the majority of delay is <br />attributed to the side - street approaches in most cases. <br />Results of the existing operations analysis shown in Table 1 indicate that all key intersections <br />currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m.. and p.m. peak hours with <br />existing traffic control and geometric layout. Based on observations, side - street access from <br />Snelling Avenue and Keithson Drive to County Road 96 can be relatively difficult during the <br />peak hours. However, the large median along County Road 96 does allow for a dual stage <br />crossing, which significantly aids motorists along Snelling Avenue and Keithson Drive accessing <br />westbound County Road 96. Therefore, all side- street approaches operate at LOS D or better <br />during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Average side - street delays associated with these approaches <br />are generally considered acceptable and do not require mitigation. No queuing issues were <br />observed. <br />Table 1 <br />Existing Peak Hour Capacity Analysis <br />Level of Service Results <br />Intersection <br />Level of Service and. Delays <br />A.M. Peak Hour <br />P.M. Peak Hour <br />LOS <br />Delays <br />LOS <br />Delays <br />County Road 96 and Snelling Avenue* <br />A/C <br />20 sec. <br />A/D <br />25 sec. <br />County Road 96 and Keithson Drive* <br />A/B <br />15 sec. <br />A/C <br />20 sec. <br />Snelling Avenue and Royal Hills Drive* <br />A/B <br />10 sec. <br />A/B <br />10 sec. <br />Harnline Avenue and Arden View Court* <br />A/D <br />30 sec. <br />A/B <br />15 sec. <br />* Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side- street stop control.. The overall LOS is shown followed by the <br />worst approach LOS. <br />