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Kristine Giga, P.E. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT <br />April 6, 2011 <br />Page 5 <br />The proposed residential development is bounded by County Road 96 to the north, Arden View <br />Drive to the south, Keithson Drive to the east, and Snelling Avenue to the west. The <br />development site, currently vacant, will be converted to a 39 parcel single - family residential <br />development. Two roadway connection/access alternatives were developed. The first alternative <br />(Alternative 1) provides access to the development via a new roadway between Snelling Avenue <br />and the Arden View Drive /Royal Hills Drive intersection and includes a cul -de -sac near <br />Keithson Drive. The second alternative (Alternative 2) is similar to Alternative 1, however it <br />includes a connection to Keithson Drive. Potential neighborhood impacts based on the two <br />alternatives are discussed later in this memorandum. The proposed site plans for Alternatives 1 <br />and 2 are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. <br />TRAFFIC *FORECASTS <br />The proposed development was assumed to be completed by year 2012. Therefore, traffic <br />forecasts were developed for year 2013 conditions (one year after construction). Based on <br />existing area growth patterns and historical annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes, an <br />annual growth rate was applied to the existing turning movement volumes to develop year 2013 <br />background traffic forecasts. Using this approach, an annual growth rate of two percent was <br />applied to the through movements along County Road 96, while an annual growth rate of one <br />percent was applied to all other turning movement volumes. To determine the trip generation for <br />the proposed development, the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 8th Edition was used. Trip <br />generation estimates for the proposed development are shown in Table 2. The proposed <br />development is expected to generate 29 a.m. peak hour trips, 40 p.m. peak hour trips, and 373 <br />daily trips. <br />Table 2 <br />Trip Generation Estimates <br />Land Use Type (ITE Code) <br />Size <br />(Units) <br />A.M. Trips <br />P.M. Trips <br />Daily <br />In <br />Out <br />In <br />Out <br />Single - Family Residential (210) <br />39 <br />7 <br />22 <br />25 <br />15 <br />373 <br />The directional trip distribution for the proposed development is based on a combination of <br />existing neighborhood travel patterns and historical AADT volumes within the area. The <br />directional distribution is show in Figure 5. <br />NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACTS <br />Due to the proposed roadway additions and/or modifications, the local neighborhood streets were <br />reviewed to estimate travel pattern shifts or changes. To determine the impact the proposed <br />development will have on these roadways, area traffic volumes and route characteristics were <br />reviewed to estimate the potential impact to neighborhood roadways. <br />