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Kristine Giga, P.E. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />April 6, 2011 <br />Page 15 <br />Based on the analysis, the following conclusions and recommendations are offered for your <br />consideration: <br />• Results of the existing operations analysis indicate that all key intersections currently operate <br />at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours with existing traffic <br />control and geometric layout. All side- street approaches operate at LOS D or better during <br />the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Average side- street delays associated with these approaches are <br />generally considered acceptable and do not require mitigation. <br />• The proposed development site, currently vacant, will be converted to a 39 parcel single - <br />family residential development. Two roadway connection/access alternatives were <br />developed. <br />o Alternative 1 provides access to the development via a new roadway between Snelling <br />Avenue and the Arden View Drive /Royal Hills Drive intersection and includes a cul -de- <br />sac near Keithson Drive. <br />o Alternative 2 is similar to Alternative 1 however it includes a connection to Keithson <br />Drive. <br />• Based on existing area growth patterns and historical annual average daily traffic (AADT) <br />volumes, an annual growth rate was applied to the existing turning movement volumes to <br />develop year 2013 background traffic forecasts. <br />o An annual growth rate of two percent was applied to the through movements along <br />County Road 96, while an annual growth rate of one percent was applied to all other <br />turning movement volumes <br />o The proposed development is expected to generate 29 a.m. peak hour trips, 40 p.m. peak <br />hour trips, and 373 daily trips. <br />• Depending on which site plan alternative is ultimately selected, the following neighborhood <br />impacts include: <br />o Arden View Drive and Colleen Avenue will see an increase of approximately 75 vehicles <br />per day (vpd) respectively. This increase assumes Alternative 1 conditions, which <br />represents a worst -case scenario for impacts to these roadways. <br />o Based on Alternative 2 conditions, Keithson Drive will see an increase of approximately <br />75 to 100 vpd. <br />• Results of the year 2013 Alternative 1 and 2 build operations analysis indicate all key <br />intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and <br />p.m. peak hours with the existing geometric layout and traffic control. Impacts to side- street <br />delays at the key intersections will be minimal and no queuing issues are expected. <br />• Ensure proper traffic controls are installed at new intersections created as part of the <br />proposed development <br />• Consider providing pedestrian facility connections (sidewalks and/or trails) to existing area <br />sidewalks /trails along County Road 96 and Arden View Drive (east of Keithson Drive) <br />H:\Projects \7417 \TS\Report \110406_7417 DRAFT Pulte Homes_Arden Hills Traffic Study.doc <br />