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third was taken care of by the property owners prior io the City completing the abatement. In <br />addition, the abatement of the hazardous st�ucture at 3150 Hamline Avenue was completed. <br />The majority of complaints in 2010, revolved around the placement of signs in the Right of Way; <br />with 112 complaints, this represented 44 percent of complaints for the year. City staff received <br />29 cornplaints of plant growth in excess of 8" (inowing of lawns), and only two abatements <br />perforrned, a c�rnpliance rate of aver 93 percent, There were 23 co�plaints of work without a <br />permit, 22 camplaints regarding the parking ot'vehicles, fifteen cornplaints regarding issues with <br />dogs, twelve complaints about the storage of materials and equipment, ten zoning violations <br />involving the International Property Maintenance Code {IPMC), nine complaints involving <br />RV's, seven camplaints involving the placement of refuse containers, and five regardi�ng the <br />accurnulation of branches. There were four cornplaints regarding parking in snow, and three <br />compla.ints each concerz�ing consfxuction noise ar�d the overab�zndance oi wildlife in the City. <br />There were two complainis each regarding a fishing cazxap on Lake Valentine, accessory <br />structures, landscape in th� right of way, and obstructions in the clear vision area. There were <br />numeraus single complain�s tha� wexe detailed in previous Code Enforcement reports. <br />City of ft rden Hills <br />City Council Work Session for ftpNil I8, 20I1 <br />P:1�4dminlCauncilL4gendas & Packei Inforniatian1201114-1$-Il YVork SessionlPacket Informatron12010 Year Errd Review.docx <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />