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Da#e: March 28, 2011 <br />To: Mayar and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick Klaexs, City Administrator <br />From: Arlene Mitche�l, Communications Committee Chairperson <br />Subject: Czty website change: subject-arienied email lists <br />The Communications Committee is in the process of looking at the meti�ods and tools used io <br />comrnunicate city inforrnation. One thing that we have nflted is t�at people are increasingly u�ing <br />websites, email lisis, and social netwarking tools to sign u� for messages on subjects of their <br />choosing. Sarn.e metro cities are already providing this ap#ion. While we are still studying how <br />the city can take best advantage of what technology now has to offer, ane idea—using subject- <br />oriented email lists to send short, timely, targeted messages—proznises so much value that we <br />would like to begin experimenting with zt now. Wha# we Iearn from doing this will assist us is in <br />preparing other ��commendations. <br />�n the past, people attending various city meetings have been afFered appartunities to put iheir <br />naxne on a contact list, however, this has been a largely manual pxocess. We now have other <br />options. The email lists we are referring ta in �his memo wau�d be built not by staff, but by the <br />peo�le themselves, who would go the city's website and "subscribe" ta subjects that interest <br />ihem. (An "unsubscribe" facility would a�so be available.) Staff could then use ihe lists built on <br />the website to sez�d tizxxeiy, targeted emails. <br />Or�r proposa� . <br />We would like an apportunzty to experiment wiih tl�is faciliiy. This exper�ment will not cost the <br />city anytliing except a Iittie stafftime. Meagan Beekman, who has been participating in the <br />committee's discussions, reports that the capability already exists ta creaie subject-oriented email <br />lists from tk�e city's website and ihen use those ��sis to send me�sages; she just needs put it into <br />place on the current website. We would like to have her do that. <br />In additiox� to learning how the technology works, we need to work out process issues. Our goal <br />is to su�port staff in identifying the points in work flow when messages should be seni and in <br />creating eff cient and effective processes for quick�y producing and sending standard emails. We <br />will start with small, but meaningfuI messages. <br />All expe�z�aezats need a siudy group and we would Iike to use thase already active in the city—iis <br />elected Ieadership, staff, and commission and committee volunteers—as our core participants. <br />We wa�id begin by using existing staff err�ail lists io send traditional ema.ils to these people, <br />inviting them ta go to the city's website and subscribe io ihe topics that interest them. Because <br />the ability to �ubscribe would be on the city's website, it is possible ihat others will stumble on it <br />and sign up, too. We view that as an asset—their participation will help us gauge interest and <br />haw successful this carnmunicatians technique can be for the city. <br />