Laserfiche WebLink
Example� of short, timely email subjects (and lists) might be: <br />• A notice when tlaexe will be a public hearing <br />• A notice when an important announcement is added or changes on ihe city website <br />• A notice when ihe Council and Planning Commission packets have been posted on the <br />website <br />• A notice when a new issue o�'th.e city newslettex xs available a� the website. (We are <br />already changing our process with the printer to get a high-quality PDF from them as <br />soon as it is available. It is possible that this would get infarmation to people more <br />c�uickly than mail delivery o£the haardcopy.) <br />We will work out the s�ecif cs of these lists and messages, as well as the technical process, witla <br />the appropr�ate staff inember(s). If we understand correctly, most of the inforn�ation in the above <br />examples currentiy funnels thro�gh Becky Brazys, who is a.lso the Communications Committee <br />staff liaison. It wauid be logical far her and Meagan to be the staff people involved in this <br />expez�ment. (�'lease note, we have not had a to discuss this with Becky yet—she is out o� <br />the office for several days. However, gi�en our working relationship, we expect that she will be <br />supportive of this effort.} <br />Our goal <br />Our goal is to see how well ihis process works, both in terms of the staff effort it requ�ires and <br />how useful recipients find the messages. Much of ihis feedback will naturally flow to staff <br />members. Using people involved in ciiy activities as our core participants also gives us <br />opportunities captiare feedback during casual (and candid} conversations. And, of co�rse, we can <br />always send out an email to partici�ar�ts seeking feedback, now that we have a ready means to <br />contact them. <br />Our reques� <br />We request your support in this experirnent, specifically your agreement tha� the initial group of <br />people invited to participate should be those already working for or vo�unteering in the city, and <br />your support in allocating small amounts of staff time to this effort. <br />Thank yo� for considering our request. <br />CC: Comrnunications Cornn�ittee, M�agar� Beekman <br />