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04-20-11 EDC Packet
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04-20-11 EDC Packet
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4/18/2011 12:04:35 PM
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4/18/2011 12:04:04 PM
EDC Packet
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EDC Packet
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We commend that the following points, taken from our research, be held in mind throughout this <br />process: <br />1. The "but for" tests are only the minimum requirements for qualifying for TIF; prudent <br />communities set more stringent requirements. <br />2. TIF is there to solve community problems. <br />3. Use TIF only when truly necessary; it was never designed to be an alternate financing <br />method for private developers. <br />TIF Selection Criteria <br />Below is a draft of what selection criteria might look like. This is for discussion purposes only. <br />The goal would be to modify the percentages and the specific criteria and have the City Council <br />eventually, debate, vote and approve the Criteria. Once this is done the Economic Development <br />Committee (EDC), with any assistance needed from FPAC, should develop a detailed scoring <br />process and methodology. <br />Minimum requirements to use TIF <br />• The long -term viability of the development partner has been reviewed and the City has <br />determined that the partner has the financial stability and track record to drive the full <br />benefit of the project over the life of the project <br />• The objective of the project produces long -term expected benefit that exceeds the length <br />of the TIF and is at least 15 years in duration. <br />Selection Criteria (in rank priority order within each section) <br />Community Goals 60% <br />1. Materially enhances the health, safety and well -being of all who live, work and play in <br />the City. <br />a. Enhances an interconnected system of trails, pathways and open spaces. <br />b. Protects and preserves the community's natural resources including open spaces, <br />lakes, wetlands, other significant natural features and historic resources. <br />2. Enhances or retains development of TCAAP in a way that accommodates a mix of land <br />uses that is sensitive to the natural environment, economically sustainable and a benefit to <br />the community <br />3. Retains or creates jobs that are long -term in nature and at or above the median for the <br />State of Minnesota (vs. Business Subsidy Policy standard ?) <br />4. Creates a desirable commercial /retail environment that enhances the long -term vitality of <br />the City. <br />5. Provides a transportation system that has convenient and effective multi -modal <br />connections within Arden Hills and to adjacent municipalities, the remainder of the Twin <br />Cities Metropolitan Area and greater Minnesota. <br />Future Leverage Goals 30% <br />1. Likelihood project will spur other projects that will not require further subsidy. <br />a. Increases the ability to further develop a healthy and accessible community <br />b. the center for further business development <br />c. Increases likelihood of job growth in a growing industry <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />
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