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� <br />�i D�EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: April 25, 2011 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor & Ciiy Councilrnembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administratar <br />FROM: Meagan Beekman, City Planner �� <br />SUSJECT: Pianning Case #11-005 - This application requires a PUBLIC HEARING <br />Appticant: Trinity Lutheran of Lake Johanna and City of Arden Hills <br />Properf,y Location: 3245 New Brighton Road <br />Reqnes�: Prelir�inary and Final Plat, Master and Final Pianned Unii Developrnent <br />Requested Action <br />Approve P1amling Case 11-005, for a Preliminary and Final Plat, and Master and Fina1 PUD �o <br />subdivide the property at 3245 New Brighton Road inta twa parcels based on the Findings of <br />Fact, the sub�itted plans, and the conditions in the Apri125, 2011, memo to the City Cauncil. <br />Back�round <br />Trinity Lut�ieran Church is located at 3245 New Brighton Road. The properry is a four and a <br />half acre parcel surrounded on two sides �y Hazelnut Park, a Caty-owned park property. The <br />Chu�ch property is zaned R-2. Trinity Lutheran Church and the Ciiy af Arden Hills are in the <br />process of negotiating a purchase agreement for the sale of a 71,474 square-foot section of land <br />that would be subdivided from ihe Church's existing property. This subdivided parcel would be <br />consolidated with Hazelnut Park and ma.intained as parkland for the public {Lot 2), The eastern <br />portion, cansisting of 127,6�4 square feet, would remain undex the Church's ownership (Lot 1}. <br />Locafed within the parcel currently owned by Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation, <br />parl�ing lot, soccer field, identif catian sign for Haze�nut Park, and irail entrance to the paxk. <br />Hazelnut Park contains a large variety of recreational �acilities and is a heavily used park. The <br />City has a contract with ihe Church for the shared use of the parking lot, which acts as the only <br />designated parking area for Hazelnut Park, in exchange for $1,000 per year in shared snow <br />plowing expenses. in addition, the City restripes the parking lot after it has been seal coated as <br />City of,4rden Hills <br />Czty Council Meeting for �pril 25, 20I1 <br />Illvletro-inet.uslardenhrllsL9dminlCouncil49gehdas & Packet Informatron4201114-25-11 RegularlPacket Informatron104-25-11 - Trinity Lutheran <br />- Memo.doc <br />Page I of 4 <br />