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1. The approval of the purchase agreement by the City Cauncil. <br />2. The applicant shall f le for t�ie Final Plat with Ramsey County within 1$0 days of <br />City approval, or the approval for ihe Final Piat shall expire, unless extended by the <br />City Council prior to �lie approval's expiration. Extension requests must be submitted <br />in writing to the City at least 45 days prior to the e�piration date. <br />3. A shared parking loi agreement shal� be signed by the �roperty owners and the City <br />granting the Ciiy perpetual use of the Church's parking lot far Hazelnut Park users, <br />and recorded with the Couzrty. <br />4. A parking Iot maintenar�ce agreeznent shall be signed by the property owners and the <br />City, and filed ai the Czty. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Comrriissioner comments. <br />Chair Larson asked if the parking lot would b� upgraded or �he amount of impervious <br />sur�ace reduced. <br />City Planner Beekman stated the size af the parking iot wauld not be reduced anc� the <br />City would maintain the current agreement regarding the parking lai which is $1000 per <br />year for snow renzoval a.nd the City will occasio�ally f 11 pot holes in the parking lot and <br />stripe the lot as needed. <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 6:3 8 p.rn. <br />Chair Larson invited anyane for or against the application to come forward and make <br />com�nent. <br />The being no comrrient Chair Larson closed the public hearing ai 6:39 <br />C.ammissioner Holewa m�ved and Connmissioner Thompson secanded a motion to <br />approve Ptannin� Case 11-005 #'or a Preliminary and FinaI Pla�, Master and Finat <br />PUD at 3245 New Bri�bton Road based on fhe findin�s oi fact and the submitted <br />lans as amended b the conditions in �he A ril 6 2011 lanni� case re ort. The <br />mofian carried unanimousl„y (7-0). <br />