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EN HILLS <br />Draft <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br />TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2011 <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br />CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br />Chair Scott called the March 19, 2011, meeting of the Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee to <br />order at 6:31 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Steve Scott (left early), Committee Members Cindy Garretson, Phil <br />Kramlinger, Don Messerly, Chuck Michaelson, Nancy O'Malley, John Peck, and Harold Petersen. <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Park and Recreation Manager Michelle Olson, Council Liaison Ed Werner, <br />and Paul Paige from HKGi. <br />ABSENT: Committee Member Rich Straumann. <br />1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Chair Scott informed that a modification to the agenda had been requested to move 4.A. before 3.B <br />MOTION: Committee Member Garretson motioned to approve the agenda as modified, <br />seconded by Committee Member O'Malley. The motion carried unanimously (8 -0). <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — February 15, 2011 <br />MOTION: Committee Member Petersen motioned to approve the February 15, 2011, minutes as <br />presented seconded by Committee Member Peck. The motion carried unanimously <br />(8-0). <br />3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Valentine Park Improvement Discussion — Paul Paige (HKGI) <br />Chair Scott and Mr. Paige indicated the Open House held on April 7 was a big success as <br />well as the online survey. Mr. Paige stated that based on feedback from the survey and <br />from the Open House the most popular elements seemed to be the swings, the playground <br />structure, and the open fields. He indicated the least or never used elements were the <br />basketball and baseball court, parking lot and the skating rink. Feedback on what <br />residents wanted to see for future plans for the park were a playground structure, swings, <br />an open field, a shelter, and trails. Discussion and feedback at the Open House tended <br />towards Concept 2 which includes a small parking lot, basketball court, and a <br />combination style playground structure. Mr. Paige indicated if they wanted to keep the <br />skating rink an agri -line field would be needed. The consensus from the committee was <br />that the rink is too small for skating and other parks are close by that provide skating. It <br />was also agreed that better connectivity to the park was needed. Ms. Olson indicated, <br />that even though it was not in the budget, a large number of residents indicated at the <br />open house that the most viable option for connectivity was to have a trail on Lake <br />