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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 19, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />Valentine Park from Glenview to the park and then to E2. She indicated the committee <br />should indicate whether or not to include connecting trails. Ms. Olson suggested the <br />committee could add this to the preliminary plans and then see where the budget comes <br />in. Discussion ensued on the traffic on Old Snelling and possibly adding a stop sign or <br />speed monitor. The committee members felt a drinking fountain should be added and <br />that a high priority would be to have a trail connection to E2. Ms. Olson asked the <br />committee what they felt about Item #6, the tree house concept and consensus was to <br />keep this as a low priority. She stated at this point Council is looking for <br />recommendations from the committee and the residents on what amenities and activities <br />should be in the park and she would like to bring these recommendations to a May <br />Council meeting. <br />MOTION: Committee Member Peck moved seconded by Committee Member Petersen that the <br />committee recommend to Council inclusion of all the elements on the draft concept <br />plan and to include a drinking fountain and perimeter trails connecting north/south to <br />County Road E2 and east /west to Glenview. The motion carried unanimously (8 -0). <br />Al. Pulte Homes Development Park Dedication Requirement Discussion — Meagan <br />Beekman, City Planner <br />Ms. Beekman provided background regarding the Pulte Development and included a site <br />plat (north and south half) in the packet. She informed the Pulte Group does have a <br />purchase agreement contingent on City approval for a subdivision of the property located <br />at 4500 Snelling Avenue North. Planner Beekman stated that the subdivision ordinance <br />addresses a park dedication requirement which is triggered whenever there is a <br />subdivision of land in the City. She indicated it is typical to bring park dedication <br />options to a PTRC meeting to get recommendations to bring to Council on how best to <br />utilize the requirement. She stated for the park dedication requirement the City can <br />require up to 6 percent of the total land area for parks and trails, or 6 percent of the <br />assessed value in cash which comes to approximately $133,000 or some combination of <br />the two. If the City decided to take the cash dedication that money would need to be <br />used for building new parks and recreation facilities and could not be used for <br />maintaining existing facilities and the facilities would need to benefit the new property <br />owners. Planner Beekman indicated she believes that because Arden Hills is fully <br />developed and there is a park very nearby there would be some flexibility within state <br />statute that would allow the City to use park dedication on building other amenities <br />throughout the City provided that a comp plan and /or a priorities list had been <br />formalized. Therefore, that money could be used to implement areas the City has already <br />identified as priorities or facilities that they would like to build. Planner Beekman <br />informed she has laid out a couple of options within the discussion section of the memo <br />that talks about what some possibilities are. She pointed out the sketch done by the <br />traffic engineer with suggestions on where some facilities might be useful for these <br />residents. Suggestions were either for a north/south connection from Hwy 96 or an <br />east /west connection for the trail that runs behind the townhomes. Planner Beekman <br />indicated the developer did identify a location which is shown on page 8 which <br />essentially would be like a boardwalk connection where the concept would be to connect <br />Keithson Drive with the east /west trail. The other potential trail would be along Snelling <br />