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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 19, 2011 <br />Page 3 <br />Ave. North. Ms. Olson stated that the Committee recently reprioritized that for <br />restriping in that area. Planner Beekman indicated this was something they could use the <br />money for at a later date or something they could ask Pulte to do and they could just <br />deduct that from the park dedication. Discussion ensued on the options. <br />MOTION: Committee Member Petersen moved seconded by Committee Member Garretson to <br />recommend that the City Council pursue park dedication from Pulte Development in <br />a combination of cash, development of an east/west trail connecting the existing City <br />trail, and creation of a north south pedestrian bike lane to the existing City trail <br />(across from Royal Hills Park) by restriping Snelling Avenue North. The motion <br />carried unanimously (8 -0). <br />B. Joint Meeting Debrief <br />Chair Scott indicated he felt the joint work session the committee had with the Council <br />was very productive and that Council did stipulate they wanted to focus on using grants <br />as much as possible. Mr. Scott felt that Mr. Messerly brought up some good points on <br />projects the committee was involved with in the past and he feels they may want to look <br />at revisiting some of those. Mr. Kramlinger indicated he would like a little more <br />information about grants and asked if they applied for the grant for the connection from <br />E2. Ms. Olson indicated that in the past they received three grants that totaled <br />approximately $500,000. These were the Safe Routes to School Grant, the DNR Grant, <br />and ARRA Grant. She indicated grants are very competitive and she will be working <br />with Ramsey County and Bethel to find different grants that are available. She informed <br />they did apply for a Legacy Grant for a trail from Lake Johanna Boulevard /E on Old <br />Snelling through the underpass and to County Road E2 and will hear back on that in July. <br />She indicated they did look at another grant from County Road E to Ingerson Park but <br />since the trail came in at around $600,000 and the grant was only for $100,000, the <br />Council chose not to proceed with it. However, they are looking for funding for the play <br />structure at Valentine Park and are looking at transportation funds that will be used for <br />pedestrian improvements. Mr. Peck asked if there was anything the committee could do <br />to help. Ms. Olson indicated at one point they had talked about having a subcommittee to <br />look at grant opportunities and if any members were interested they could go ahead with <br />creating that group. <br />C. Other Unfinished Business <br />None <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />B. Park Bench Location Discussion <br />Ms. Olson informed that she has included a memo in the packet on Council's approval of <br />eight park benches. She stated Council would like recommendation from the committee <br />on where to place the benches and does not want to wait until the committee goes on <br />their park tour. Ms. Olson indicated she included a map with some possible locations but <br />ultimately it would be up to the committee to make the final decision. She stated the <br />individual that donated a bench asked that it be placed at Cummings and the only <br />