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Reso�ution <br />Board of � <br />Ramsey County Commi�sroxxers <br />Presented By: Commissioner Rettman Date: March 15 2011 No. 201'�-10t3 <br />Attentio�: Budgeti�g and Accounting <br />Intergovemmer�tal Retaiions <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />RESQLVED, The Ramsey Cour�ty Boa�d vf Commissioners req€�es�s the Siaie <br />Legislat�ar� and the Gov�rnor to �ormuEate a redistr�ctmg pla� tha� mairtiains Ramsey <br />Co�nty as a whole politieaf unit and preserves fhe County's �niq�e communit€es of <br />�nterest in a singl� Congressior�at District; and Be tt Further <br />RESflLVED, The Ramsey Co�nty Board ofi Commissioners requests alt City <br />Cauncils and Schoof Boards within Ramsey County to suppo�t mainiaining Ramsey <br />County within a s�ngle Congressior�ai Distr�ct and #o oppose any efforts by f�e State <br />Legis€atvre to divfde Ramsey �ounfy info mui�ipie Congressional Distric�s; artd Be It <br />Furiher <br />RESD�.VED, The €�amsey Caunty Boa�d of Commissior�ers direc#s the Board <br />Chair tv con�act elected afficials in Caun�y municipalities �nc� sc�aQ1 districts a�d <br />requesf their support #or this iss�e. <br />Ramsey CaunlY Board of Cornmissioners <br />�any Bennett <br />7oni t�rter <br />,Iim Mc€�nough <br />Rafael Ortega <br />3ar� Paricer <br />.7ani[e Rett�nan <br />Vittpria Reinhardt <br />Vctori� R ' rdt, Ci�air <br />t <br />B• <br />Bonnie C. Jaeelcelen <br />{�ief C�erk — Ca rd <br />