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b) General Liability. The Tenant must maintain an occurrence form commercial <br />general liability coverage. Such coverage sha�l include, �7Ut 110� �� limited to, <br />bodiiy injury, pro�erty damage -- broad farm, and personal injury, for the <br />l�azards of Premises/Operation, broac� fornl con�ractuat, independeni contractors, <br />and productslcompleted a�erations. <br />T�e Tenant rnust mai�tain afarementioned commercia� general liabi�ity coverage <br />vvit�-► limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 �ac11 occtirrence; $ i,000,000 <br />persanal and advertising injury; $2,OOa,000 general aggregate, and $2,000,000 <br />praducts and completed operaiions aggregate_ Th�s� lirnits rr�ay be satisfied by <br />the commercial g�neral liabiiity coverage or in camb�nation with an umbrella or <br />excess liability policy, provided coverage afFarded by the umbrella ar excess <br />policy is no iess than t�-�e underiying comm�rciai �enerai liabiii�y cavera�es_ <br />c) Automobile L�abiiiiy. The Tenant musi carry Automat�ile Liabili�y coverage. <br />Caverage shall afford total liability iimits for Bodily Fnjury LiabiIity and <br />�'roperty Damage Liahiiity in the amount of $i3O�0,OQ0 per accident. The <br />liabitity limits rnay be afforded under the Commercial Poiicy, or in combination <br />with an Urr�brella or Excess Liabiliry Palicy pro�ided coverages afforded by the <br />Umbrella Excess Policy are no less than the ur�derlying Comtt�erciai Auto <br />Liabiiity coverage. <br />Coverage sh�il be provided for Bodily injury and Property Damage for the <br />ownershzp, use, �naintenance or operation of all o��vned, non-owned and hired <br />automobiies. <br />The Commercial Autorrtobile Polic� shal! i�ciude ai least statutory personal <br />injury �rotection, uninsured motorists and underinsured matorist co�erages. <br />d) Tenant �'ropertv �ns�rance. The Tenant �nust keep in force during �he ier� and <br />any renewats of the Lease a policy covering dacnages to tlie System located an <br />the Leased Premises. T��e amaunt of coverage sliall be sufficient to replace the <br />damaged property, loss of use and cornply with any ordinance or appticahle law. <br />e) Additiona( Insured - Certi�'icate of Insurance. The Tenant sha�l provide, prior to <br />tenancy, evidence of the req�ired ir�surance in the form af a Certificate of <br />Insurance issued by a company (rated. A- or better) by B�st Insurance Guide, <br />licensed to do business in the state of Minnesota, which inc�udes all coverages <br />required in this Paragraph 13. Tenant will name Landlard as an Additional <br />Insured on ihe General �,iability and Comm�rciai Automobile Liability Polic�es. <br />The Certificaie(s) shall also pra�ide the caverage �nay not be canceled or <br />reduced witliout thirty (30) days �rior v�itten r�otice to Landlard_ <br />14. Dama�e ar Destruction. If the Leased Premises is destroyed or damaged, without <br />contributory fauit of the Tenant or its agents, so as, in Tenant's �udgment, to hinder its <br />ef#�ective use of the Syste�, Tenant may e(eci to terminaie this Lease upon ti�irty {30) <br />0 <br />