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e} `LAYO Band��icfth_ Pra�ect No.: 2�10-082/A�NO1>;A sheet, Sheet C-5 dated <br />October ? 1, 20 i 0. <br />4. Renr. <br />a) Arnour�t_ Adjustnlents_ As a condition for this Lease, T'enant shall pay Landlord <br />an annual renc in the a�nou�t of f��e thousand doliars ($5,000.00) �`ar the initial <br />year, whic[� shai� be increase�d each year an 3anuary 1 foilowing the first <br />ar�niversar� of tl�e Commence�nent Date, and annuaily thereafter, by three <br />percent {�%} of the previous y°ear's annualized renial. <br />b) Tirne of Pavr��ent_ "f�a�es. For the tirst year, Ehe rental shall be �ro-rateci ihrou�h <br />nccerr�ber 31 _ 201 I and s��all be paici to Landlard ��ithin thirty {30} days af the <br />f�il execution of this Lease. 1f the Tenant does not meei the requirements <br />referenced ir� S�hparagraph 5{a) beiow by December 31, 201 1 and Tenant has <br />diligently pursued suc�i requireme�ts, �,and�ord shall refund any renta� payment <br />made by the Tenant and this Lease shal� terrninate. In addition ta the annual <br />renFal_ Te�ar�t a�rees tc� tirr�ely pay anr- personal prope�y tax, real property tax; <br />or any ot�er ta� or fee ���hic}1 is directiy attribu�able to the presence or <br />installation of the Svstei��. <br />5. GovernEnental Approval Contin�ency_. <br />a) Tenant A iicalion_ Tenant's right to use the Leased 1'remises is expressly made <br />conti�gent upon its obtaini��g all the certifcates, permiEs, zoning az�d other <br />appror%als ihat rna� be required by any federal, state, or Iocal authority. <br />b} Interference Stud�. Since no wireless transmitting or receiving equiprr�ent is <br />being installed on tlle Premises_ an ii�terference stud�� sha[I not be required. <br />c) Non-ap�ro�-al. in the cvent t�at any application necessary �nder Subparagraph <br />5(a} above is 1i��ally rejected or any eerti�cate_ per�nit, license, or approval <br />issued to Tenant is cancelled, expires, lapses, �r is otherwise w�thdrawn or <br />terminated bv go��e�-nn�ental aut�ority so thai Tenant, in its so�e discretion, will <br />be �nabie to use the Leased Premises far its intended putposes, Tenant shall <br />have the right to Eerrt�inate this Lease ar�d be �eirnbursed for t�e rental payment if <br />made pursuant to Subpara�raph 4{b) above. Notice of Tenant's exercise of iis <br />right to tern�inate shall be given to Landlord in writing by certifed rr�ail, ret�rn <br />receipt requested. and shalI be effeciive upon receipt of such notice 6y Landtord <br />as evidenced b}� the return receipt_ Except as rea�ired under Subparagrap� 15{d} <br />below_ upon such termination, this Lease shalI becor�e nuI� and void and the <br />partres shall have no further obligations to eac� other_ <br />6. Tertx� ar�ct Renewals. �I�he "lnitia� Term" of this L�ase shall commence on the earlier of <br />(i} the ciate Tenant commences instaIlation ofthe System, or {ii) six (6) rnont�s after the <br />�ffective Date and end on Decerr�ber � 1 %llawin� the fifth an�iversary of ihe <br />EFfecti�e Date of� the Lease. Subject to the terms and co�ditions of this Lease, Tenant <br />� <br />