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shail have the righi ta extenc� this Lease for five {5) additional five (5) year renewal <br />periads {"Renewa! Term") comti-Eencing on January 1 following the expiraiion date of <br />the Initial Term and of any subsequent Renewal Term. This Lease shail be <br />automatica(ly renewed for each successive Renewal Term unless Tenant sends written <br />notice of non-renewal to Landlord no later than ninety {90) days priar to the expiration <br />of the Initial Term or any Renewal Terrti, such no�ice to be pravided in accordance wit�� <br />Paragraph 23 of this Lease. <br />7. Tenant's Use. <br />aj User Priorit . Tenant agrees tllai the following priorities of use, in descending <br />order, shall apply in the e�e�t o£ cammunication interference or oiher conflict <br />wl�ile this Lease is in effect, and Tenant's use sha11 be subordinate accordingly: <br />1_ Landlorcl's pre-existi�g use of tlle Landlord Property as of the Effective <br />Date; and <br />2. Tenant and other gavernmer�t regulated entities whose antennae provide <br />safety and rescue services. As to these parties, pr�orities shail be based <br />on a first in time basis, i.e. parties coming to the Landlord i'roperty firs�, <br />have �irst in time protections from users of the Landlord Property at a <br />later date, and parties coming to �he Landlord Property last must not <br />interfere with existing users of �he Landlord Property. <br />b} Purposes. Te�ant shall use tlle Leased Premises only for the puipose ot' <br />installing, �naintaining, repairing, removing and operating the System and uses <br />incidenia� thereto for providing te�ecommunication services which Tenant is <br />legally author�zed to provide to the public_ This use si�all be non-excl��sive, and <br />Lanci�ord specifically reserves the right to ailow o�her �a�iar�s of the Landlord <br />i'roperty to be used by ot�er parties, provided such other parties do not interfere <br />wit�l Tenant's operaiions and use. <br />c) Operation. Tenant shall l�a�e the right, at its sole cast and expense, to operate <br />and maintain the System on the Leased Premises in accordance with good <br />engineering practices, wit� ali applicable FCC ru6es and regu�ations. Any <br />damage done to the Leased Premises or other Landlard Property, including the <br />Water Tower, during Tenant's insta[lation or caused by Tenant's operations, <br />shail be repaired at Tenant's expense witl�in tl�irty (30) days after no��fication of <br />darnage. The System shall rerr�ain the exclusive properiy of the Tenant, unless <br />otherwise }�rovided in this Lease. <br />d) Maintenance Im ravement Ex enses. Ali modifications to the Leased Prei�ises <br />and all irr�provements performed for Tenant's b�ne�t shall be at the Tenant's <br />expense and such improvements, including ihe System, sl�atl be inaintained in a <br />good state of repair, anc� secured by Tenant. <br />3 <br />