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May 4, 20�1, Drait Planning Commission M'rnu�es <br />Ptanning Case 11-010; Final Pla#; Pulte Group; 4500 Snelling Avenue North — Nat a Public <br />Hearing <br />Ciiy Planner Meagan Seekman stated the applicant is requesting approval of a Final Plat <br />far the property lacated at 4500 Sneiling Avenue North to subdivide the parcel into 39 <br />conforming single-family lots. The applicant received approval fram the City far <br />Planning Case 11-006 for a Preliminary Plat and Co�nprehensive Plan Amendment on <br />Apri125, 2011. The Piar�ning Commission held the ptxblic heaxing and review on April 6, <br />2011, and unanirz�ously recommended approval for Plannin.g Case 11-006. She provided <br />additional background information including the Final Plat has been revised from the <br />Preliminary Plat as follows: <br />1. A trail easement has been extended through Block 4. Lot 18 to accommodate an east- <br />west trail connection from Keithson Drive to the north-south to the east. <br />2. Block l, Lot 10 has been further subdivided to create lwo outlots. The 54-foot wide <br />"stovepipe" portion will no longer be included as part of Block 1, Lot 10. <br />3. Th� lot frontages of Block 1, Lot 3, and Slock 4, Lots 9 and 10 have been widened to <br />a �ninimuzn of 105 feet. <br />4. The right of way adjacent to Block 1, Lots 10 and 11, has b�en squaz�ed off to bring <br />the Iot frontage on both Iots io a minimum of 95 feet. <br />City Planner Be�kman stated Staff offers the fallowing eight findings of fact for this <br />proposal: <br />Gene�al Findings: <br />1. The Fox Ridge subdivision is comprised of 20.07 net acres. <br />2. The Fox Ridge subdivision praperty is zoned R-1, Single-famiiy Residential. <br />3. The City approved a Comprehensive Plan Az�nendment {CPA) on April 25, 2011, re- <br />designating the property as Very Low Density Residential on the 2030 Future Land <br />Use Map, subject to ihe approval oithe Metropolitan Council. <br />4. The applicant is proposing to re-plat the property into 39 con�orming single-family <br />lots. <br />5. The subdivision will connect to the City's exisiing street system at three points: <br />Snelling Avenue North, Keithson Drive, and Royal Hills Drive. <br />6. The proposed pla�z meets all of the requirements of the City's Zoning and Subdivision <br />Codes. <br />7. The proposed plara is in confom�ance with the City's Comprehensive 1'lan, cor�tiangent <br />on approval of ihe CPA by the Metropolitan Council. <br />S. The Final Plat application conforms io the appraved Preliminary Plat as aznended by <br />the conditions of approval of �e Preliminaly Plat. <br />City P�anner Beekman stated Staff recornmends approval of the Final Plat based on the <br />fndings of fact subject ta the following nineteen conditions: <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the subxnitted plar�s as amended by <br />the conditions of approva.l. Any significant changes to these plans, as determinec� by <br />