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Last modified
6/16/2011 10:25:48 AM
Creation date
6/16/2011 8:22:57 AM
City Council Worksession Minutes
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City Council Worksession Minutes
City Council Worksession Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MAY 16, 2011 11 <br />Councilmember Holmes stated she wants to know the dollar amount per the average resident and <br />would also like to see what staff feels they need in the budget. <br />3.D Garage Amendment Discussion <br />City Planner Beekman explained that at the February 22nd Joint Planning Commission and City <br />Council work session, there was some discussion about changing the Zoning Code to allow <br />detached garages in the front yards of riparian lots. At that time, Staff was directed to move <br />forward with drafting possible language that would allow lakeshore lot owners to construct <br />detached garages in their front yards under certain circumstances. Staff has prepared such <br />language and would like Council's feedback on how to proceed. This language was shared with <br />the Planning Commission and the members were generally in favor of the language. There was <br />also some discussion about this pertaining to non lakeshore properties that were particularly <br />narrow, but the general consensus was that this language was what they wanted. <br />Proposed language: <br />A. Detached accessory garages may be located in the front yard (between dwelling and <br />street) of a lakeshore property provided all of the following are met: <br />1. Detached garages shall not be located within the minimum front yard setback. <br />2. Color and roof material of detached garages shall match or complement the <br />existing primary residential structure, and shall conform to all other <br />requirements for the zoning district. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if there would be any height restrictions on the garages. She <br />referred to problems with people living in "carriage type houses" and she would like to restrict the <br />height to no more than 15 feet with no variances allowed. <br />Ms. Beekman responded the City cannot make an ordinance that doesn't allow people to apply <br />for a variance. But, she added, a height variance would be difficult to obtain because of the <br />standards required to qualify for a variance. As far as the existing structures that exceed the 15 <br />foot height, she explained that there has been some inconsistent interpretation by staff over the <br />years of the height restrictions, but those issues have since been worked out and the definition of <br />height in our ordinance is now quite clear. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned the number of outbuildings allowed and wondered if a <br />boathouse would be included in that limit. <br />Ms. Beekman stated that a boathouse is considered an accessory structure and would be counted <br />as one of the two allowable outbuildings. The intent of this ordinance amendment is to allow <br />residents to build a garage to address storage issues which seems to be a big need on lakeshore <br />properties. <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if Staff had included through lots (street frontage on both ends of <br />the lot) in their consideration for this amendment. <br />
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