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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MAY 16, 2011 10 <br />Mayor Grant suggested that the developer proceed to market Building 4 to determine what type <br />of interest is out there. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated if the developer believes that the customers wouldn't have a <br />problem with the additional traffic, they should proceed with marketing Building 4. <br />3.0 2012 Budget Parameters <br />City Administrator Klaers stated that at the April 25th meeting, the Council indicated that they <br />didn't want to wait until June to discuss the CIP and the budget. Ms. Iverson has prepared <br />material for today's work session for the Council's review. <br />Councilmember Holden explained that she asked to have this on tonight's agenda so that if the <br />Council's intention is to have a negative or zero increase, it would be nice for Finance to have that <br />information up front. <br />Finance Director Iverson explained that her memo outlines the same information she requests <br />from the Council each year in June, except that the only thing additional in this memo is whether <br />or not the Council wants input in the CIP budget before she prepares the first run - through in June. <br />She will not have any figures from the Department of Revenue until late July or August so she has <br />to prepare the 2012 operating budget based on estimates. What she is looking for this evening is <br />guidance from the Council before staff begins the 2012 budget preparation. The last two years, <br />the Council has met on the budget the third Monday in August. She explained that Council used <br />to have a budget work session at the end of August when she had the figures from the County. <br />She explained that it would not be advantageous to have a meeting before that point in time as we <br />would not know taxable values, fiscal disparity contributions, or be able to estimate the impact to <br />residential property owners. <br />Mayor Grant commented that last year the .81% levy increase equated to a residential levy <br />increase of 6.8 %. This year he wants to be sure that the impact on the tax rate is no more than the <br />implicit price deflator. <br />Mr. Klaers stated that there are some guaranteed increases in Public Safety that must be <br />considered. <br />Ms. Iverson stated the City has doubled the number of email accounts since 2006 and have added <br />laptops for the Council which has impacted our support costs. We pay $25,000 annually now and <br />this has not been increased in three years. We should be paying $36,000 based on our usage. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated he concurs with the last bullet point in Ms. Iverson's memo <br />regarding performance measures and service indicators for each department and the need for a <br />community survey. He also stated that he would prefer to meet and discuss the budget when Ms. <br />Iverson has the details from the County so the Council can make a more informed decision. <br />Councilmember Holden commented that she does not want any increase to the levy above 1 %. <br />