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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes May 17, 2011 <br />Page 3 <br />3. Park Rental Fees <br />Ms. Olson provided attachment (D) showing what 11 various cities charge for park <br />rental. She pointed out that all cities do charge some kind of fee. Ms. Olson indicated <br />the biggest problem with rentals is defining between non - profit and profit. <br />Discussion took place on how park rental fees are collected. <br />The committee was in agreement on eliminating the resident non - profit and other non- <br />profit category and just leaving the resident and non - resident fee. <br />Chair Scott asked if the fees were adequate to cover the set up and administrative fees. <br />Ms. Olson felt the fees did cover all costs involved. <br />MOTION: Committee Member Michaelson moved seconded by Committee Member Peck that <br />the committee recommend to Council the City eliminate the non - profit fees and <br />charge park rental fees according to resident or non - resident. The motion carried <br />unanimously (8 -0) <br />B. Newsletter Articles <br />Ms. Olson indicated that Committee Member Messerly submitted a Garden Club article for the <br />June newsletter and wanted to know how the committee wanted to proceed regarding future <br />articles. <br />Committee Member O'Malley suggested that as a committee they take turns writing the <br />articles. <br />Discussion ensued on how often the committee would submit articles, the deadline for the <br />articles, length of articles, and types of article. Ms. Olson indicated the Communications <br />Committee suggested the PTRC do an article about the 4 -year bench implementation plan. <br />Committee Member Peck indicated that for July the committee could submit something about <br />the Bench Donation Program. Another suggestion was an article about the parks after the <br />PTRC takes their park tour. Ms. Olson indicated the July article would be due by June 1 and <br />should be one or two paragraphs. <br />Committee Member Michaelson volunteered to do the Bench Implementation Plan article for <br />July and will have to Chair Scott by June 1. <br />Mr. Messerly volunteered to do a future article on the Founding of Crepeau Preserve and <br />Committee Member O'Malley indicated she would do an article on the park tour. <br />Ms. Olson indicated she would draft a list of their ideas and then they could decide who would <br />be responsible for each article at the next meeting and lay out a schedule. <br />