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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes May 17, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />Another item of discussion was the $8,000 that NSSA was willing to donate for an <br />irrigation project at Hazelnut and the idea of donations in lieu of user fees. <br />Committee Member Peck asked what kind of budgets they are looking at for park <br />maintenance. <br />Committee Member Peck questioned whether the City was putting more money into the <br />fields as a result of additional wear. Ms. Olson indicated that the more use each field <br />gets, the more repair and maintenance is needed. Having fees associated with the park, <br />it would assist in managing what activity happens on each field. <br />Committee Member Messerly questioned if Northwestern and Bethel capture revenues by <br />organizing intramurals and then using the City's parks. He felt that if they are generating <br />revenue and it is costing the City money for allowing those groups to use the fields, then <br />maybe a flat seasonal fee should be charged. Ms. Olson indicated she believes <br />Northwestern and Bethel are only charging enough to cover their costs and not as a <br />revenue generator. <br />Committee Member Peck questioned how much administrative expense the City will <br />incur by collecting these fees. Ms. Olson did not think the adult fees would increase the <br />workload or require additional staff since she already has to work with them, but did feel <br />the youth activities might be a little more challenging. <br />Committee Member O'Malley indicated she would prefer not to charge for youth activity <br />and would just like the associations to make a donation each year in proportion to their <br />use. Ms. Olson indicated there would have to be some sort of guideline on how much <br />each group donated. Committee Member Peck agreed. <br />Committee Member Kramlinger felt something should be charged since there was <br />maintenance involved. Discussion ensued on possibly charging for the permit as <br />opposed to having the permits free. <br />Committee Member Michaelson felt that the users would have a different appreciation <br />for a field they pay a fee for and also agreed that a fee should be charged. <br />Committee Member O'Malley asked what a reasonable charge would be. Ms. Olson <br />provided what the other cities charge and that most charge more for adults because their <br />activity tends to be rougher on the fields. Discussion ensued on whether to charge hourly <br />and possibly $20 in 2 -hour blocks. <br />MOTION: Committee Member O'Malley moved seconded by Committee Member Peck that the <br />committee recommend to Council the City not charge a youth fee but that the City <br />ask the youth associations for an annual fee, averaging out to $5.00 per field per day <br />and that for the adult fees the City charge $20 for a 2 -hour block for intramural or <br />team use. The motion carried unanimously (8 -0) <br />