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City of Arden Hills Chapter l3 Zoning Code <br />part, tabling for a specified period of tirne, or referra� back to the Plannin� <br />Commission for its further cansideratia� and repor� to the Counci� within a speci�ied <br />period af tame not to exceed the timeline eontained in Minnesota Statutes �15.99. <br />. The applicant shall be notifie� in <br />writinb of the C�Council's action. <br />����.-0�Procedure for Actions Not Requirin� Public Nearin�s. , <br />I355.02 Requesis far Variances and Site Plan Reviews do not require �-a pubIic hearingi�e <br />�-but tI�e �'�-��;�b �`�mm;��:�^Zoning Administrator may determine that adjaining property <br />�wners should be invited to ��the Plannin� Comm.ission meeting to offer responses to the <br />appiication, prior to action by the City. <br />Subd. l Placin� Re uesi on PIannin Commission A enda. �arct�,.� �;.,.., r�m a.,.,� <br />a-���- t-!� �'��es�t-e�t-I�e�c-�rt�e��-The Zorting Administrator shall place <br />ihe reyuest on the Planning ComFnission Abenda. <br />Subd. 2 ReferraI to Others. The Zonin� A�dministrator shall also refer copies of <br />the applicatior� and reguired documeniation in support thereof to other City offcials <br />who have an interest therein in accardanee wi#� the req�ire� administ�ative <br />distribution scheduie. <br />Subd.3 Pia�nin� Cornmission„__ Cansideration. The applicant or its� <br />representati�e shall be given the opportunity to appear befare the Pla,_.__,... nnin� <br />Comrnission to answer questians or give explanatians regarding the proposal. The <br />Plannin� Carnmission may adjourn the discussion to its next meeting, either reg�}ar <br />or special, arsd �nay coniinue its study and eonsideration ofthe applicatian at meetings <br />st�bsequent to the meeting at which the initial discussion occurred. Upan comple�ion <br />�f its study and consideration of the application, the Plannin� Commission shall <br />subrnit its written report, containing its findin�, conclusions, and recommendations to <br />the City Cout]C11_ �-�::u:: �� Y�u�:,� ., .tio .., r,� ;r ,,,�., .,�,,,..�,,, „ ,..�:,,,,�:,,., <br />thd �� �� te..� r�,. +t,o <br />L. <br />Subd. 4 C_ ity Council Consideration. �n�}s-i�e�i-����;�;�e�t-iens, t-I�The City <br />Council sha�l consider the advice and recommendations of the Plannin� Commission <br />and may approve the �application if it deterrnines that the �application � <br />Y�:ii��JJ�VI�. ��� a��o:�AT��co_mplies with the city standards. � �pplications may <br />be denied by action of the City CounciI, and such action shaIl constitute a ftnding and <br />determination that the conditions required for approva] da nat exist. <br />S�bd.S ActioR by City Council. The Citv Council must take action on the <br />application in accordance with Section 1355.05 of this Cade. ''''�� r^��^^:' m..�* *�'-� <br />� <br />� b . Ci�Council <br />SecTion ]355—AdministrationandProcedures <br />Adopted: November 13, 2006 <br />Page � of 14 <br />