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City of Arden Hills Chapier 13 Zoning Code <br />CoUncil shall be responsible for nnaiiing the notices to the �- <br />aw�landowners. <br />C. Referra} to Others. The administrator shall alsa refer copies of the <br />appIication and req�ired documentation in support thereof to atI�er City <br />officials who have an interest therein in accordance with the required <br />administrative distribution schedule. <br />D. Record of Notice_ A copy of the notice and a list vf the narnes and <br />addresses to which the notice was sent shall be atkested ta by the <br />administrator and shall be r3-rade a part of the recorc�s of the proe�edings. <br />Failure of Written Notice. The failure to give mailed not�ce to individual <br />property owners shaIl not invali�ate the proceeding�, pravided a bona fide <br />attempt has been made to comply wit� the notice requirements. <br />Subd. 4 Publie Hea�ina by I'lannin� Commtssion. "�'�*��� �-��*-� r�m a.,,.� .,��r ��,,, <br />� <br />� ' � , Tthe pUblic hearin� <br />shail be held before the Ptanning <br />b � f <br />� , � - <br />�Commissiot�. The applicant or its#� representative shall be given the opportuniry <br />to appear before the Plannin� Commission to answer q�estions or give explanations <br />re�arding the proposaI. T�e Plannina Cornmission may adjourn #�e public heari�g to <br />its next meeting, either regular or special, and may continue its study and <br />consideration of the applieation at meetings subsequent to the mee#ing at which the <br />public hea�•ing was initiaily held. llpon carnpletian ofthe public hearinb anc� its study <br />and consideration af the appfication, the PlanninQ Comrnission shall submit its <br />written report; containing its findings, conciusions, and recammendations as to the <br />application, to the C�tY Councit. <br />Subd.S Additional Hearin�s by City_.Council. The Citv Counci! may hoid <br />additional hearings :.;�'.:;., s!;.;-�J, ��n�_a, .��� +e,o o�* ,-.�,e,o ,,,� �„ f�.., <br />l JV <br />rP�`�+irit .,firi.., ., ..t:.,.�t:� +I.o„ +b.o !`1,..,,.,:I �h lt i, 1.7 l.l:.. i,o�r:.z.. . ,:fL.;,� +i-.:..r�. <br />__,.. .�... ... ..... ...y�N,......,..T;� ...,.... �.... �....,....... a.....,s �avau u �uv <br />(=�.R-1-d.:�aas_�f-tar_ tt-,a o ,-„+.,,� ..�' �.,;a .. .,.., «m ,a.,.� „ ,,,a ri��� +k r� •� <br />��,.,� ...»>.. .,.�.,. �..., .. :�:,.....�,.,,, .,, .,.,i.� a:�i�y `.�.,� �.a.. , , <br />�e�i��e���r��e�s�-€�e� t-�e-��#+Eat�gTa���--e��e�-����Failu�e to <br />receive a report from the Plannin� Commission, as herein provided; shall not <br />invafidate the proceedings or actions ofthe City Council. <br />Subd. b Action by City Council. The C�Counci! must take action on the <br />application in accordance with Section l 355.05 of this Code. •�r;*�:� �;�*.� '�n' a"�� <br />•.---:..., .a ..,.. ,..t.._..� w.� v� �..�. Lw...u.a�,v., w ivi.vv"'b <br />�,o�r;�,. �,e}.� �. �i., <br />Ea�-t�c��Citv Cauncil action may inc[t�de approval, �}denial_ or referra� back to <br />ihe Plannin� Commission. Citv Counci] action may include approval in whole or in <br />5eciion 1355 - AdminisiraYion and Procedures <br />Adopted: Naven-�ber l3, 20fl6 <br />�'aee 2 of l4 <br />