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. : ; - ,' � � . � , . �. .. <br />� October,�96b, No. 6 <br />�� <br />: ��-,� <br />l ' �� ' <br />'�� \-�''� '�HE TOWN CRIER <br />�. �,,,,,.. � <br />- �� - � ,.n- } : <br />'"�� - Published by The Ard�n Associa�a.�n, �nc. <br />, . " �., <br />�� �-_._: : <br />� Our i�.rst annual clinner dance at McGuirets <br />` on Octaber 7 was rea�.�.y a wonderiul success. <br />4� The 134 peop�e who attended a13. contribu�ed <br />►,sa 9: : <br />to make it �he fun evening that it was. Som�. <br />-{ y � tw�n.ty 1.aca�. trrerchants and individuals con- <br />; . � . .: <br />��� 3 tributed generous daar prizes and the dance� <br />�` able music oi the "Skylarks'� and McGuire�s <br />�: , fznd food and se�vice recE�.ved man.y camplx-, <br />ments, �,�e must hear�ily thank and compliment <br />� � Pat McClure and her �ocial Committee. Their <br />efficient planning a�' ever� deta�l. le�'t no�h-� <br />- -��.-. ing ta chance and cer'�ainl.y added to the #'riend- <br />�,y a�mosphere. �ongratul.a-�ions ta all wha : <br />• helped r;1ak� �his a �rtetriorabl� "�'irstT`. <br />� <br />�' , Remember to vote on Novernber 8. The iTi3.l.age <br />, ��� Hal�. a.s op�ra from 7:Q0 a.m. ur�t�l 8:Q0 p.m. <br />�`��, We have been rem�nded from several saurces <br />oi' �he impor�ance of our individual votes, � <br />and cand�da�es on a11. levels urge �+.zs �o write a cample'�e baZlot, <br />' rzght down to the bot�om oi' �he page. Our local Arden H�.l�.s <br />elEction is of course of interest to a7.I. Two vacancies on the <br />Vi�l.age Cauncil w�.11 e�'fec�ive �anuary ]., one for a ane- <br />ye�,� term and the a��-ier for a three--year term, �o pJ.�ase remem- <br />ber �his wh�n you vote on Nover�ber 8. The candidate'. <br />�he: rrras� votes �c,rill hold th� three-year term; the one-year �erm <br />ia�1T go to �he runnerwup. Filings for '�hese affices have been ; <br />made by incumben� Henry �repeau, 3�1? ��-e�ns Caurt, a�d by twa <br />new hopefuls: Nlarcia Awsumb,'�1.467 W. County Raad E, and John <br />Hol.lenhors�, �822 Venus Ave�ue. Support your car�dida�e= <br />Residen�s of Cummings Lane deserve recognition #'ar the�.r col- <br />leciive effarts �o improve �he app�earance of the�r s�reet by <br />the purcha,se and pl.anting of boulevard trees. Mr. Jerome Timm, <br />2l�.QO Cumm�.ngs Lane, to3.d the �'�.anning Cammission at its r�cen� <br />meet�.ng that n�rserymen had s�a.ggested some reco►r�mend�d plan�ings. <br />Th� Planrz3ng Commiss�on is currently a study 4#' �rees <br />i�,os� sua:'�able for i�oulevard use and the Comm�ss�on� s findings <br />will:be reported here as soon as �hey are completed. <br />�t has been the privi�.ege of th� League of Women Vo�e�s to sup- <br />�port the Una��ed Na-�ions1 peace keEpang activit�es. In reeogni� <br />tiori of I3n�.ted Na�io�s Day, �he Arden Hi�.ls League has sponsored <br />a dinner each year. Th�s year it wi�1 be he�.d at �he Knights <br />'J Restauran�, 22i3O �iudson.Road, on 4ctober.l8 a� 6:,3Q p.m: The ; <br />