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i <br />- 2 - <br />cos� is:�4-50 per person. Mr. Kenneth Flies,:a returned Peace <br />Corps,volun�eer who has worked in Brazil, wili speak on the ac�-- <br />`�ivi�ies of the Carps in that coun�rg. For reserva�ians, please' <br />ca�1 Dorothy Su�.3.ivan, b33-i66b. <br />V�LLAGE NEWS BR�EF� <br />.�ERVICE aTA TTON; Reques� to rezane �he northeas� carner af <br />County Raad E-2 and Hi hway 35W by Bethel College and Mr, and <br />Mrs.' Boog from Residen��.a�. to Comm�rcial �o a�low constructian <br />of a Phill�ps 66 service stati.on �,ias rafus�d by thE <br />Comrr��ssion and also denied by Caunc�,l actian. A teZephone ser- <br />vi�e pol.� was made by The Arden Association to the surrou.nding <br />ne�.ghlaors of this property in order to be abie �o �.nform the <br />Planning Cotnmission and Counc3l. of the actua�. opinions of �he <br />residents regarding �hi.s rezoning. <br />2MPORTAN'�: A public hearing on �he new proposed Goni�ng Ordi <br />nance has tentat�ve�,y been se� for I�ondayy November 2]�. Mo�e <br />' info�ation regard�.ng t�.m.e and pl.ace for this MEET��TG WH�CH I� <br />QF: IMPDRTA NCE T4 ALL �ES�DEIvTS wil1. be printed �n �he November <br />issue of the "Cr�er�'. <br />: Ni� SCELLAIVE Q� S <br />A bus shelter ha9 been constructed by N3.nnesota Federa3. a� the <br />corner of Flox�al Drive and Hamline Avenue. <br />�ur three arks in the Village have naw been officially named; <br />"Valentine Par at. �he corr�er of Coun�y Road F and Old Sne].].- ' <br />` ing? "F1o�'al Park" at the ca�ner o�' Harr�line Avenue and Coun�y <br />Road E9 't�'he Charles Perry Parkr' on thE eas� s�.de af New Brighton <br />Raad betwesn�Co�znty Road E-2 and the Saa Line Tra�ks. <br />As you ha�e possibly seen �n �he loca7. newspapers, our Pedestrian <br />�'rail ha9 naw been estab3.ished, having been mowed and rr�arked <br />with stakes and red f 1ags� <br />The Vill:age is reques�ing the cooperation of the County to aid <br />in the weed cutt�.ng and can�rol �f �he triangu�.ar area at High- <br />way 5�, O.ld Srtelling and Cummzngs Lane. <br />The' removal of �he old buil.d�.ng at 3205 North Lexin��ori should <br />: be comple�ed before �he end of th�s mon�h. <br />"Mr. Cooper'�, the Villaga � s po��.ce do� was k�,lled by a hi� and <br />run accident two weeks ago, a-��han�s �o a generous g�ft of <br />a few businessmen �.n Ardsn Hills, he is be�.ng replaced. Pat <br />S�xtpn, our 'police officer, and �he dog wi��. ,be attending train- <br />�.ng :: school for the neac� -tsn days. _ <br />