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F' _.. -___ _._... ....... ........._ ....... ..____� ..... . ... ... ... . ..,.. . ........ ....... . . . - _ <br />�:':._. <br />„"r1�\ ..' . .' .:..�'.:. . .�. <br />�'oveinber 1900, ��o. 7 <br />-; � _ , . :: . <br />:�._,;, <br />f , �` � iI��: TQ:�_. C;I.�� <br />�3..',_� �. �. .'' �..� . . . . � k ... � � - - ' , <br />...� S'`.F. ..�' . . '. . ��. . : , '' " . :. . �:� " '-.. <br />. � � s'�.bli.shed . b;� �tne ��rden _xssonia#.�.an, Inc. <br />�� <br />� <br />� "+ � '�� �'' �on�ra�ul�zt�o.zs to �he .ainners of. t�za rscent <br />' � ' ,� eJ.ecti�n :'_-:anr;� Cre�eau aad �3ohn i�o1l�nYiorst' <br />' were e�.ec�ed to �,he �lil��ba vaun.cil. Our <br />`, : •. ai v� r�isr;,s�ri'�ai.�ves i*� -�hu st�:#,� haus�..ara <br />a� _. �' ' i3ob 1��hbach in ths aenats � :�ichard Iincier- <br />� � <br />saFz in �h;: �:ou�� of ���rase�2��.t�.1�Us. <br />�i� � <br />�- 'lhe F�o�rd of' Dirsc-Eoirs o� lh� !:rden <�ssac�ation <br />neld a :a�etin� on �ctobar �fl. 1hz �ioard ;hopes; <br />�h� AS90C1�].iL1Df1S :23Ba12E]�rs wi1l� �ee� in :�ind <br />that ih<; ar�;��:nizationa7. setu�; of thu assoc- <br />ia�.ion is a->ail:�ble fi,� 'r;�l� a:� a:7� end�avor <br />�^ � ar sy eci�I i�ltere�t vri�,hin o�zr ��ill•ao� or <br />�` �n��irolzs. In �hi� co:iil�c�io!x, contact �on <br />��ioux, Chair;�an, at 3?fl9 �3�are��rood �riyz, <br />0�3-�?90. '�ha �Soard i�rill b� holdi:z;; anothsr <br />�+ .meetin�; on Jec��nber 1, so a_�y :�atters clia- • <br />r6 cussQd tirith �on could ba �r�u�ht bafore: tl�e <br />bo�rd a� that ti:�a. <br />'Y?�t ar� ,�our thoujh�s on zanixZ� fbr our vil�aoe`? Da you t�rish to sa�� any channas in iha <br />'_ za�i�z� for re:�identi�I, industria]. or co:a.�c�ercial ;� Dr do you �:rish to �e��� th� zarz�..a�;::as <br />it ,is? . The pra�os�d zoninb ordinance f'or the ?lil�a�e �f ::rdan ::il�.s co:;��s baf'ore a <br />public he�:ri.,a;� o.i ')�ce��3r 1� at tn� Lai<.:e Joha:;na �l�.nelz'tary �chool a�, 8 i::. .: mailed <br />na�ic� a�.:this .neaii�z� ia bei_:� �e:�i �o �l}. iax--pw�rers af ti:� �Till�oe. :: cai�y o�. 'thas <br />�ro�ose�i ordinancc� at a cos� of _,J..40 ��ri11 ba a�.�ailable �'or purchusa �:t ths ??i11 �A ria11 <br />prigr to:thU gub�zc hearin,o. Co�lect your ideAs on thi� subject �.��d �lan �o wt��.�d.this <br />i�o�.r�a�i� :n�wtin�, so vit,al to '�he future of the �!i11�:��. <br />Bu an OI�:����':�� : :.n absurvur, tiz�t is, o�' the �Tilia�� Council anci s 1axz:�i.z� Co�ise�on <br />�e��ti��s:.��d a:�.;�tin�, :nor� th�.n ane if your schedule �er�its, �:�d then f�3.lai•r' <br />thraunh b�r l�al�in� to iarit� u� tha hi�;hliohts f'or the naxt sdz�ion af �Tre To;�n �ri�r.. <br />�'or. dates u��ci �'urther i.nior�4.t,ior�, contact `irud;� x;;�r:�on, 033-?��+3. <br />ih� ',,ater :itudy Com�nissian of �e�reral y��ars �.�o is bainQ ra-acti��`�ed. :;nyoaae i�tzr�s�ted :'. <br />i=1- ba��3� cn:��d for k counc��. �uj���oini��:�tt �a this co:a�issiazl9 ,�leas� con�ac-� the <br />�Iil ].a�� �Aal I p 53�--�57� . <br />lh�; la�t�s ar�. :�till unsa�'e. ::�rtai_�zly a�.l adu�ts rpaliz�e 'thi�, bu� do paas th� t•iord:`' <br />alo�z� �� ::Il childr�n ��nd i_eeg �.n eye out for Lulinforned do�;s : <br />L'i.��'�a .� ���.:� B�I.:��':� <br />a��trlC� a�..'�'x•���-: !� bui�din� �urmii� for � ranch aty2e a�,andard �il Com��u��y service <br />_ station at the sputh�ust i��otion of Count,y ;owd �� and' ?:i�;h�r;�;,� 53.. ti�rill b� �;ral�t�d <br />` , b our vi ll�;;� cou�Zci 1 as soon as- th� . t�ount �o.::d <br />Y y � pro�:osed service ro�wd �et--b�ck 'is' <br />a�reed`.u.1�on. ' <br />