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? <br />,SORT.z��:� ��'__��=� :.�.:::�-� HI�t�T_.��c Fin�l. r�visioz� af �ha parpased �aw,rer I.ine thu� wi�I. be <br />ins,tail�:d �nrounh. Ardeti: HiTls �lanb �,iohti•�a;� �;�:�l. ha�. been comp�.et�;d. An aerial jnap shaw- <br />ino �h•v ioaai.ion of' th� �awer� and th� route of th� 7.i��� is .on #'iie at ti�a �Tillaoe iiall. <br />C.ircle .5.; �aneh: 1�otion by our ZTilla;�z �:aunci�, is b�ino ins�i.,�ated i�mad�:�teZy for '�.he <br />; rs;noval: ,af �.�.1 build�ngs locatad on tl�is �ro�erty. <br />The: future site #'ar a br•�:.'rtch o#' 'tha �a�se Coun�� �,ibrar proposed for $h� narth side <br />o�' Couxi� :�2aad v_? at i5e1� Bri:�hton �o:�d ha� nat �s ye� be�rz fiauiized. :.Iora defini�e <br />results',shou:ld b� acco�yUlished by tt�a and o�' this month. <br />:; z�iZla�e anoir ;�lovrin- aahedul.e is on file s�itn t�te �1erk. �lease dir�et an;� a.n:�uiries <br />�to'.,ths �r3.�la�a Off ice. <br />The.���ay �out�ty ;:sphalt X7.ant located on the narth�ast corner of L�xington :�va�ue and <br />;ounty �aad s i� .7�"lOT'�V1C:Y1 (�.dj�cen�, ta ._rden �?i11�) is under revi�Va by �:,�sey Count� to - <br />cons�.der a=:;S�,a00 ia�}�rove�ent 'to ths alant to a�te�pt to eli�tinate ii�e nuisa:�c� f'�:ctor <br />or .tYie: po�Eibilit,� oi �he co�plat� r=�:nov�l of this plant �t thi.s sit�. <br />:�he.op�n drain�g� �robla� at ?,-- i,exin ton _:v�nu� ��orth i� btiin�; iz�vesti�;:�tad. <br />The .=,rden F?i�ls i��a�u� of `,�o�►e,1 'Toters recexved a dietinnuish�d servzce a�tard froai <br />,�residen�L. �Fohnson �'or their recoonitian �nd sernice 1�riih the iJnzted ;��iions . <br />CO.�:Ii�� U� <br />� . � <br />�vove�i��r ?8 -. �Tillu�;e CourFcii �Iaetina <br />�7ece;�ber 1 - r,rden tissoc�a#,ion �3oard af :�irectors .i�e.ting: <br />$ : 30 r��i at �the �T �.3.l:�ae �:al l <br />�ec�:uber 6 - rlannin� Com,nission i�iaetin�, <br />: �ecem3�er 1� - Vill;��� wouncil ���-�etin,� <br />�ecatnber 13 � i'ubJ.ic Hearin� on tne rroposed Zoninb , <br />Ordinance. 0:00 r•:�i Lake �7ohr�nrt�z •��e:��nt�try ' <br />�choal <br />