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Town Crier No.22
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1968
Town Crier No.22
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No. 22 - February 1968 <br />THE- TOWN CR�ER <br />�. Published by The Arden Assoc�.ation <br />� <br />f CANKERWORMS. Iri �he spring of �.963 in Arden <br />�� Hil�s and there was an in�es- <br />� tation. of what �.s ��.ii�a �he cankerworm, or <br />as i� is sam�� re.�erred to, �he i�ichwor�. <br />�'Y�E ��ie f e e� sure tha t tho se a� us who we rE he re , <br />S � c�r experienced jus� such an infestation irr <br />another a��a, can remember quite v�vid�.y th� <br />�o�� �4 situa�ion -- ta se� our beautif`�1, oak and :o�he�+ . <br />� trees being stripped of '�heir leaves,; which <br />b ` changed the sof� green of ta "win�er ;. <br />.. Tla,�Pr �T1Pi $ S!T s The re vaa s a 1 so the knowle.dge ��:�tha:t-; . <br />SHOU%�� TH�S GLUTTONOUS PEST BE ALLOWED TO �UR-; <br />,; ,� _ . . ..�� <br />VIVE, IT COULD MEAN �'HE LOSS OF THE . TREES. <br />� ' �� Or�.e shudders recalling �he vi sion o�' the se <br />�` �� ;, � �,rorrms attach�ng themselves ta onet s c�.�thing <br />` ` as they spun their webs downward, a�d certai.n- \`. <br />�� � J�i l.y hop�d we would never experienc�� t�.is...again. <br />� � � However, �her� has �een incrEas�.ng eviderice �.n <br />�.• �' /���`, 4�~ <br />the last coup�e of years th�t �he cankerwarm <br />�� ....:��. `. will r�eturn. If �he infesta-�ion a ain reaches. <br />g. <br />the tnagn.itude o�' the �.as� one, we wa.�.� wari� tv;' <br />be px�epared and wil.l wan� to do so�nething'as <br />soon: as poss�.ble. Dur�.ng �he ].ast major infestation. an aerial spray ca�npany <br />ti,ras con�ac�ed, at a very nominal cost pe�resident, to spray for �he$e worms. <br />�The resu�ts were mas� gratifying and can be aic�es�ed to by all concerned. <br />The Arder� Assoaia�ian has p�zrchased a tech�ica�. fact shee� irom the Univers3�y <br />of �"inn�so�a, wh�.ch i� wi1.1. soon be d�str�.buting to al�. residents nf the V�.l-�'', <br />lage., This fact sheet will d.escrib�: wha� to watch for, a�d under a rn.��d oa- ' <br />currence, the sprays to use. <br />THIS AR'�ICLE Ta DE�IGNED TD "ALERT" YOU AND TNFORNt YOU SHOT.TLD ACTION BEC�ME <br />NECESSARY. <br />RENTNDER FOR DOG OWNERS. The V3.11age o.� Arden has a good dag ordinance <br />writ��n in';considerata.on of the dog, and its owner, as we11 as other nan-dog ` <br />ownE� neighbors, their farnil�es an� praper'��. You may pick up a copy at the . <br />Village Ha��. to be we11 informed. <br />In part, sa.mpiy sta�ed, it says that each dog mus� be regis-tered arad tagged <br />ar�y. Na owner may p�rmi� any dog �o �un at �.arge. Each dag m� be kep� <br />�n .awrzer�s premises or under d�.rec� superva.sion and cont�ol and restrain� of <br />owner. Complain�s ,�egard�ng v�.a3.a�ions of this ordinance shaZl be direc;ted <br />to the Vi1.7:age Pol�.ce Force arad in even� of a determine�. vialation, �he ,dog ; <br />may be p�.cked t�p and re-�ained by a sui�able agerzcy. A dog sa he�.d may be - re- <br />deemed by the owrier within f�.ve days �.pon paym�ent to the Vi1l.age of, the act- ' <br />ua1, 'charges for pickup �:nd keeping, o�' the dog and cou�d be sub,�ect �o a�1.00 <br />�:- <br />�'ine or 3� days 3.mprison�ien�. _ <br />LET' S BE GO�D DOG OWATERS AND �HOW THA'� WE CARE AE3QUT OVR ANINALS, OUR ARDEN <br />°H�LL'S:FRIENDS` AND PROPERTY AS WELZ. <br />
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