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Town Crier No.22
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1968
Town Crier No.22
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- 2 - <br />`V�LLAGE NEW� BRIEFS ` <br />St. Pau�` Bib�e Co�.�e e and Colle�e_ DeveTo mez-z�` Cor aratian Pro osal. At the <br />Village Courici�. M�et�:rig• of January 29,` �h�: �pecia� Use' Perrni� for the apart= <br />` men� comp].ex wh�:ch had been den�.ed fln two previous occasions by �he Plannxng; <br />Commis��.on, was also denied for approval �y �he Counc�.l since �he:praposa�, <br />did not meet 'the requirer�en�s oi �he Arden lyl�.]..5 Housing Po�icy. Hawever, <br />�he norcnal: wai�txng per�.od of 6 months for re-app�ying was wa�ved. <br />Sp�cial Use Permit Reques� by �r1il.l.iatn �n)s�lei�ner to construct a combination' <br />sk� shop->�o�.f sho� and private residence to be �ocated on the soutYi sxcl:e: of <br />Ca�nty Raad E, ad�aceni to tYie��eas� end af Harkin� Drivin,� Tees. As a resu3�� <br />— __ __ _ - <br />�of ;�he' `�pub�:�.c hearing held on the above �y -the Planning �ommission on February , <br />6, the Corr�zr�issxan moved '�a defer mak�.ng any recomrrjen.da�i.ans �a Council un��.I' <br />�.t has the opportunity to review a pre�.iminary land use or subdivis�on plan ` <br />o�' .C. G. Re�,n� s property hald�ngs in this area�-�ding the ski 'shoP „ <br />` proposal:. A meeting of the Plannzng Commissa.on a.s be�.ng heid ori Feb'- <br />ruary 20 at which �ir�e this wi�l aga�.n be d�.scussed. <br />A complaa.nt has been mad� r�garding the unsi�htly �remises at the Texaco Sta- <br />_�,..,...� ... __- ,.... - -- — <br />��on located at 3130 G1.eveiand Avenue and is being fol�owed up by the �Pub�.i�c <br />Safety Committee for ac�ion. <br />A�'easib�lity repart has been, prepared by the Village Engineer au�horizing <br />�3,750'as Arden Hi11�s shar� in the repor� costs relating �o a draina�ewag . <br />be-�ween Lake Johanna and Lon Lake. Arden Hil1s, Roseviile, Sharevie�a, New <br />Bz�igh�on, Ramsey County and �he Niinn�sota Highway Department al�. con�ribu�e <br />s�or�ri waters to th� drainageway and would all be asked to par�tic�pate in �he' <br />`co s�s, ' <br />'Ramsey Cou,nt Lea ue of Niuniei a3.i��es. Counci�man John Hollenharst has been. <br />e�ected to serve Qn �he b4ard for a three-year term. 'Fhe League is presenily <br />forming a coun�y--wide Park �'lan.ning Gom�rtittee wi�h each municipa�.ity �o;have <br />one represen�ative. A�ap showing existing park and reereatio�al facil3:;ties' <br />: in ;each �iun�.cipality wi��. be compilaa i��� a composi�e map sY�w�.ng ,a].l �'acil- <br />itie`s �.n Rarrisey Co�u.nty. Kenneth Boss, �.315 Red Fox Road, represented Arden ' <br />`Hi1�s at �he f'�.�s� mee�in�; of' the League . <br />Residen�s who have di.saased oak �rees, which w�re rr�arked by the survey crew : <br />last � summ�r, must remove the trees ar_d d.estroy them before March 1; �.�6�, <br />''Le��ers' will be sen� �o these residen�s ta remind them. Af�e� this date', a' <br />' survey wi�l: be �r�.ade -�o be the �ree s are gone , If' -�hey are no�, �he Vi�.`- <br />lage w�l�. have them rernoved, and bil.�. the homeowners, as set down in �he;: Oak <br />Y^r�,�..ti �X'C�.3.T1&i7,C@. <br />'Suzld�.n�s at 3155 Lake Johanna Blvd. and �b2l�. Lake Jahanna B1.vd. have been <br />`ordered demolished wi�h�n g0 days. �f the buil.d3ngs ar� not destroyed:in <br />that .�ime, the defenden�s w�.11. �e brou�ht back �to cour�t �'or the imposi�ior� <br />o �' ' a �' ine . <br />Water Hearin�. an March �.9, �968 at 8:0E} PM �n �he Lake �7ohanna E].ementary ' <br />ScYiool, <a publ.�c`'Yiearing �'ar water improvemen'� for �he sou�hwes�t end of the . <br />`Vill.age (incZuding Sharewood`Drive area} wi�.�:be he�,d. A�.1. residexits eon- <br />cerned with this wi��` be, rzoiified:by the :Village C1erk�s O�fice. <br />
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