�. � _
<br />Beaauge.aircraft in.use`then will be bigger than thpae being,fiowri now,..the a.gency reason�, �.
<br />'�he second ai.rport would.l�e. bigger than, In�erriaiiona�:��ii�port, ��i�iicY: has about, 3000 acres.
<br />� i�I«C s�aff �s�mbers 5ay that. tha second airport �robahiy v�a,I.l hand],e ;�a'� pasaek�$er and �reigh-�.
<br />seru�.ce bu.#� much of it z�rii). r.emain at In�ernational ,:ii.rport.
<br />iIr 4,rarren. Peterson o#' the ��'�:iC eta�'f exp�.ained that th� . arran�;eme�t may t,urn out to be. l�ke';:
<br />the ;one �n Chicaao, Zllinois, uahere 0' �ar� Fia}.d har�d�.es the bulk of .�ha traf'f'ic but i4iidway �.:
<br />Fi�ld �s `uaed by smal�sr cra#'t. The second., or �atloka Coun�j� liirport h�re wo�x�d .be cor�parab�e
<br />�0 0' Hare Fie�d and �iidtaay ta �h2 Internation�.1 liirport. �`Y�e presznt ;;noka Cvunty site of ;
<br />1900..:acr�s i� su#'f ici�ntly larg� #'or two �oiz�; runways ai 9,Ob0 and b,OQO feet raspectit►Ll.y.
<br />This. is °an ace in tha ha�e f'or the airpar�. commiasion because they can gn ahsad and bua.l.d
<br />` regardle�s of the huarings.
<br />t.,.. �
<br />mwo:sites.arz bein� considzred. The Biaine, or South site, has �D,000 acres. The ru.nways
<br />would be.. north and south over :�Tounds View and zvew �r3ghton. The �ast--�;Jest runways wa:�:ld have
<br />-.little .traffic, The o�her site is the Ham I,ake or tiTor�h Siie. `�his �s �he largsr o�'.`�he -
<br />twa'.si�Ges .ksein� conaidered. It has ��,00� acrzs bordering an Oarlas s:very Ga:ne Farm. '.Z�
<br />` is,.bettsr buffAred and is in a�ess populat�d ar�a. Tne r�nways t,rauld he �;or�thtiaEs� to: `
<br />Sou�,heast and 1�ortheast to 5outh��res�. The�e would �niss the .�lounds V�aw, ;de�� Brighton and
<br />�lyden Hails vil.].a�;ea.� TYae ho].ding patterr�s would, af course, bu ov�r these areas.
<br />The a.pproxima�e .take--off and approach area for each znd of a rur�way is j miles �.ang and
<br />`aboufi� i� m�les wide. Th� sauth site has one such area aaeh �fi, the south a�d north Ends
<br />of.:th� main runway and 3 such ar�as each on tne eas�, and west ends of the auxi}�iary,runways.
<br />` The .north sits has an equal number oi suc3� #'3.i�ht sectors but ti�eir arrangement is �i,f'�'�rent..
<br />zn eith�r cas� then t'nes� low altitude fl�ght areas fan aut to covwr an area of many squar��'
<br />mi�e�s o#'.heavily popu��.tad territory, eapec�.a�ly on the west, south and east side's af e�.thex
<br />site... In addition, much cong�stion wil� ras�z�� fro� aircraft bein� he].d a'� various altitu.d.�s .
<br />;' and flight patterns ne`�.r th� airport b::fore bein; a7.}.owed to ent�r an approach ar��a. Qb- �
<br />vio�sly, bot�� �raposec� sites are too alose tQ r��idential araas. Over 100,000 peap].e �.ive :_
<br />within 8.mzles of' th� north sit�; many' morw around tha south ai�a. �
<br />`.��ois�s a.r� �art of the '�social cast'� of dn airport. �afety ia anoth�r sooial cost. �iir
<br />pol�ution is also bea.ng recognized as �. soaia� aosf,. ;i US Y'ublic Haal.th r��asuring grogram ;.
<br />' in 1966 found that ?8�, J.60 fan � 2t9 landin�; and t�akins o�'f at K�nnedy and La�uardia x,ir.port�
<br />daposit�d ?0,3�� tons o#' pol�utants in the liaw Yark Ci�y �rea. _idding tna �ol.lutants.:`�`roa� :
<br />`otY��x plan�s such a.s turbo--�raps and pzsf,on-paw�:r�d craft, raa.sed �he total to.6I,2�9 tans.�.
<br />Th� po�itic�l diff icu].�y wi#�h the economic adva�tages of a larga airpart is that mar�y. of .
<br />�tn� b�n�fits are sgread throughou�, the tnatropoli�an araa, while tha �nnoyanc�s ar� con-
<br />centrat�d in t�z immedi.a�a area.
<br />Ori 1;pril 8.your :`,rden I�}11s Vi�1�ge Council pasasd a resolut�on rzquest��g ihe �ropased s.it�:
<br />foi :th.� future �inoka Gaunty metrapolitar� airport ba c�anged. The reso�.ution also ca1�.�d
<br />for. €� .publi�c he�.r�ng on tha matter a't a ti.ma an:d place cor.4Qni�nt to ar�a rasid�nts. Tha ,.
<br />�irdpn`Hi11s counoil also point�d out in tha r�soJ.ut�on that i� will support l�gis�.ation in >:
<br />th� naxt session a�' th� stat�: L���.si�tu�� ta o��ain r�presanta�ion an th� M.�C even though r
<br />the.s�naka Co.unty _iirport may bv outsida the ?� mila limi� of control Q� the aammission..
<br />�TII,L:ix�, i�i.�':dS BRI�F`.�'
<br />Si�n Orda.nance.:.' ;�€�ny' si�,ns i.n �ha vi].�.agz are still not �icens�d. The owners ha�s. h�en
<br />conta.c�,�d sev�ra�. tim�s. Th� Finance Commi.�tea �:s considaring tha �att�r of a penalty .
<br />charga :for la�.e a.pplica�.a.ons. Ord�nance wi�l be enfarced aft�r �1pri.}, 22.
<br />1]og.Ordinance..:}�qany dog.owner.s hay.� not licans.ed.their.dogs ior this'yaar althou,gh �he
<br />claadli.ne. is:.January :l. :�,f�'ec.tiva .:ipri3. 22 t�h� ordin�ne� wzll b� .enf'orced.
<br />