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_ � :- <br />Police Train�n� wC,aursas; 5�;�, S��ton and 0�#'�.car Fish ar� taking an advancaci traiuna cours� <br />'':. ai �t. ��au1 �ams�y�.Haspi.�a1. : �ffic�r a�radi.n�ur 'a.s �ttanding a ?FO hour tr.auma coiars� �zi <br />''=ip�s. General .�io�pital. ;�nt, ;aexton ie :a�so tai�i.�o �a �� :hr. .cours� ir1'advai�cad polica <br />#,raining. Of'f'ic�;r �'iek�t't as iakin� a 3b hr. tra�na course h�I�d at i�aaunds View. High and . <br />senUx.a�. I3ospi.t�.1.. ;"�11 mzn ,on th� forC� harr�� compl�t�d a�6 hr. gan;.ral first azd. cours�, <br />Of��e;,rs iltraclinoar a��d Fickatt� u.r� �to take a�+0-6� hour gmn��ral basic po3.ic-� training <br />' course i.n th,, nGar �utur�. 0�'ficer achmaedake, wi�o tUachas t�; �oiica o#'fic��rs'at eve.nin� .' <br />c1�ss�s at:A�iounds. �Ti�va vi, is cons�dur�d one o�' t,hu b��st anstructars in the ar;.a, <br />'S �ad i,imi� Si n�: �ams<;y County hss b��.� ask�d ta post si�ns ].i�itin� th� spa�d as Iow <br />; as possib�p on �to���� .�venu�.. ,': lovrer sp�ad limit has b�L:z ra�u�stad ior th,. ar�a o� <br />` L�xington �:ven�� and Coun�.y Road �. <br />fh� �;rdun �?ills �,;;a�ue of ;Jomvn Votars, as wall as the �iorth Suburban Caunci�. on Gavi1, <br />R'it:,hts, ha� r�qu�st;.d tha� .:rdGn I�ills adopt an ordinanc� cr�ating � Numan'Ri�hi�. Coinmassaon. <br />` ��att�r :r,:�-�rr�d to :;ttorn�y Courin4y to dra�� ��ch :a.n ordin:�.nce. � <br />Texaco Sia�.ion a� Llvval�nd and Count:� r�oad �, ii build��o permit author�zing f�ncing as <br />-.�cra�nina for vrh�als, tiras axzd oth�r bu1k� it��s t�3.11 b:: issu�d. T�i� ogarator af' -the.: <br />station has by�n kskad to b<: mor� consid�ra�,� o� ��� n�;ighbors with �af,:raz�o�� to .thu noise ` <br />factor af th� s#.a�ion. <br />Thti �31�nnin� Commisaion and Council 'nav� giv�n th�ir apprava� ta Liv--;,.-Sna s Inc, (pre;par„': <br />da� and cat food products) to iswua a bui�di:�g parmit to construct�00 sq. #�, b�zi.lding ` <br />west of Control �ata, suhj�ct 'ta �Y��; approval af thu� Ln�in��r as ,,r�i.l. as .re�;.>i�t o.�'. ` <br />a p�rfor��nee l�ond for l�ndscaping, ; <br />'<'tp�.roval i��s hn_an prant:;d to Bath�l �oll��� �a issu;; buiiding par�i.ts io allai�� for the . <br />' cons�r.uction af' two buildings for :�arri�d studznt :. furth�r r�quast #'or bui�.d.�ng' :, <br />per�ni�.s ior s�ud�nt dormitori.�s, �hap��l and f�llowship hall �'or B::tha1 Co�.leg� is alsp `ur�d@r <br />cQnsidar:.,tion hy �.h� r�.anning Gominissian, <br />;�iu1�i�Ie dw�lling pl�ns a� pr�s�nt�d t� �ha Commission propos�d f'or t�� areu �ehind. <br />Lindys a� Snell�ng and Coun�,y Road �� �a�ra not adequ��a at, this ti�e. `: <br />.4ac}uust for �. lat'� turn lana for tha nor�hwast. bound �raf't'ic an H�ghway 1� a� th� �ntranc� ; <br />`of . th.•� Bi,� T�n and �'win City Tr�il�r Park was grantsd by th;: 5tat� Hi� wa.y D�purt�n2nt. <br />5urfac r��air on �,mb�� Roa� wk�.l b: donu aa soon as hot mix is available, <br />�ans�dvra�ion is just b�gi:�ninb by th�� Civic C:.�nt�r Commit�.�a ta raviaw �ossialc: 7.pcations : <br />�'or �,}�u G�nter. �h� com:nit'�:;� 4�rii1 ba �wi ino_aga xn . o continus �thair.stud].�s., <br />Fa.��ngs for th;; annual '�iot�nds Vi�w Da,s� 62� acl�oo3. �l��tion, ar� op��n and will clos� <br />_��_........_.�, <br />ma:dni�l�t: of ..�,pril �0.'�Thra� s::ata aru u� for elaGtlan; �?-yr. t�r.� �ar:;s�ntl�r h�ld by <br />ap�oint:;� Fr�d ',Ihita, a�-yr. t�rm prss.:ntly �:�ld by Thnmas <_rxz�son and a 3-yr. ��rm <br />pr�s���tly hel.d b,� �odrd chairman C,arl �w�anson. Th�: sbhool ei�G�ion will b� held from 1_8:�?�I ! <br />` on Tu�sd.�y.i.iayr ?1, In addi�ion to alacting �amb°�rs '�o th� schoo� board, vo-ters :wi1.l'd%cida-� <br />' a.���9�0, <br />�r�cinc� and 1'o.11ing Yl;�c��"s: �. �v'orth O�ks Gat�housa 6.. Sunnysid� �choal <br />� �. �i�a�.3� L��::. School 7. .��� Dak School � <br />3. Isla�zd �,ake .ilchoo�. 8. . �in�;wood. Sc.hool - <br />` �..: : Lake. Jo.hanna S.Chool. � Y <br />_ 9. Turtl� Lakc, .�ehoo� : <br />` `�. . . iJ�w Brz�htprl Saho.o3. _ <br />