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Town Crier No.61
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1971
Town Crier No.61
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� . , <br />-2- <br />PIANNING COMM�SSION CODITINUED <br />Case 71-41 - The a lication for U-Hau1 TraiZer Rental b C. Bec1c was heard and the <br />Co�mission recoua�ended deni,al because of lack of space for parking txailexs. <br />Case 7i-�2 - lt� uest far Buildin Per�ni.t for Tu erware Warehouse and Office Buildin - The <br />plans were rev�ewed and approva� xecommended subject to�e plan suh�iission,.bzesk-off <br />block exterior �inish,.and requirement that p�ans be certified. <br />Case 71-39 - Twin Cit Axaena� Ammunition Plant Access llrive - The Crn�nission recomsnended <br />that the acceas arive re uest be de.nied. <br />Case 71�2I - Mobile FEome Court Ex ansion Plan of Arden Manor Mob:Lle Court was set over until <br />�urther informatian was available. <br />Pro osa3, vf Pem-Tom far a Ueve�o ent of 6�.5 acres West of Hamline A�e. and South of . 96 <br />for si,n�le fami�y resiaences - appxoximately 155-1b0 lota with homes in the $30,U0�-$35,�OQ <br />:; range. The Commission set a pub�fc hearing for ihe project, Additional i�formation and plans <br />wi.l� be submitted. <br />Case 7Q-4 - Proposed Hi�hwa�5,i-_Reconatructaton P1ans - After hearing a repart on a meeting <br />with Highway Department pf€icials, the P�anning Co�miissfon recommended tktat �here be no si�- <br />nai li hts at the H,amline Snellin H� hwa 5], intersection khat such �fghts be cansiuered <br />for Lydia and Aves., and that the s�eed limits s�uth of County Road E on Hi�hway 51 <br />be reuuce� to 50 mph. � � <br />M�IiNDS VI�W SCH0C3L D�STRICT b21 SCHOOL $OAH�3 NEWS l2epor�.er - Shirley Wingert <br />October 25 -_Second„ Regu�ar Meetin� -*Mr. Will�.am Wettergxen, Executive SeCretary of the <br />Minnesota School Boards Associati.on, d$scussed the �ur�oses and functions of the MSBA and <br />answerea questions. Decisian on jo�ning by paying dues of $2,1.1�+ was aelyaed until <br />�Iovember 22 . � <br />*Princi a1s' sa].ar ne atiations were cosn leted. Salary increases amounted to 5.8% and tt�e <br />tatal with fringe benef�.ts is 6,1%. Implementatian is subject to Phase II guidelines. <br />Hovetnbex �. - Speci�l Meeti�,- *A.sus�ension anu expulsian �o].icY was review�d. Tne policy <br />with revisions and �he aadition:of sections on �xcuses and exciusions wri13. be rewritten and <br />wri�l receive another Publi.c Hearin . <br />November 8- First Ret�ular Meetin� -�A decisfon an teacher life insurance was deia ed �ntil <br />after Phase II guidelines are received. <br />�'I'he Citizens Advisory Gommittee pxesented its repoxt.w�tich included 12 recommendations. <br />The �wo ma,�or recommendations are: <br />1. That the Schoo� District �nplemen� a 45-i5 Extended School Year Plan in 1973 <br />a� a sneans of delaying,and sninimizing the amount of.xtew.bui�uing construction. <br />2. That the:Schoai.Baard hold.a:.banct eYection immediate;� to provide a number of <br />relocatable clasaraoms for Fa11,,1972, needed building upciating an�t remodeling, <br />and additional permanent secondary schoal Fa11,:1974. <br />VILLAGE CO�JNGIL .MEETING - OC�'OBER 25,� 1971 Reporter - Wa11y Bieger <br />i. The Coun�.v_Ope,n Space_Program wa.s cietailed as it wauld apply to Arden HiIIs. The pxograrn <br />wauld like to incorparate the "Carridor Concept" along, between, and including the wet- <br />�ands from Lake Johanna to Iiounci Lake {a trail for pedestrian and bicyc�es only} and <br />eventually connect with the Rice Creek watershed through the Arsenai, Councik approved <br />
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