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Town Crier No.61
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1971
Town Crier No.61
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0 <br />- 3- ° _ <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING - OC'�DBER 25 Contine�ed <br />the plan thraugh Rainbow Hills project and requested detailed maps and legal descriptions <br />of other properties wnich would be affected'so it could eval�a�e and take action. <br />_2. Covncil amenaea the Village budget in light of the new State Tax $i11 so thst Araen Hills' <br />':'� mill rate w1�1 not increase as much as ori 3n�1� .•ex ctad. . <br />3. $9,052 was authorized fox Belair Conatruction Co. to do the earth mo�ing and rough�gYading <br />i.n the �erry Park. Lnpxovement. <br />4. Council decided to request an investi�,ation by the 3tate Po�.lutian ConLrol Dep�rtment ro <br />determine how much Little I.ake Johann� is bein� polluted and by whom, <br />5. The Farks and R�cres�ion Dep$rtment expressed concern ahout conservin� the natura� maxsh- <br />land and v3rious pancis (other than those in the County Plan) in the Rainbow Hills Develop- <br />�nent. It feals that recreation areas shvuld be organized within the area as the develop- <br />�e�t pragresses. Cqncern wss a�eo expressed about stoxage of sparting equipuient, such as <br />bc�ats, casnping trailers� etc,, wi[h the seaggestion that erha s a eneral law ior the <br />whole Village controllin� ex�paed storage was needed. <br />• - pprov�ed 362_.40 for,..Nort ., _„-. ,� �n. Da,Y„ Activity Center which <br />6 Miscellaneous Council a� _ h Suburba„ <br />provides he�p for mentally retarded chiJ.ciren ia this area. Approved Jaint Powers E�Rree� <br />ment - Gommunit One Inc. {£unds we�re budgeted in 1972 Parlcs and itecreation). Wi11 in- <br />vesti�ate hi.ring o� a part Cime Fire Marshall at 59U0 anu adoption of a fire �aae �r.i�n <br />shouid lower inaurance rates. <br />VILi�1GE COUIVCI�, MEE�I�3G - NOV�M�R 8. 197i <br />lteporte� - Chaarlie Crichtan <br />1. Public hearings were he��i on Watex Imnravements 70-1 and 71-1 and,,,,Sani.tary Sewer„Imprnve- <br />ment lb. The assessment ro11s were approveci with two �oaifications ta 71-1. ._ — <br />2. �3�,scussion was held on the $11,52� est�nate for providing draina�e_ _in'_the G__lanpaul itoad <br />area. Affected landowriers wiil be invited to uiscuss the matter further at tc�e next � <br />Council kieeting. - <br />�. Investigation of the apparent pollution af LitC1e Johanna inuicaCes that 1b50 acres �irain <br />into �t - al�, but 40 ofr them in Rose�ille. Since conflicting measurements of the amount <br />af pollution have been obtained, further in�est�gation wi�l be made. <br />4. A Spec.ial Use �ermit was ap�oved £or_the Motel adc�,ition to MeGuire's Restaurant with <br />eight specific restrictfons� ;Lncluding�a four story �fmi�at�on. <br />5. xwo�ossible inconsistencies in the 1970 Azden Hills Census are being.,,checked in Washing- <br />taa, an un:iercaunt in Bethel Dormitory and an uncercount of units in trai].er court. If <br />either is verified the population cou�d exceed 5,GQ0 and the Villa e woulu ualif for <br />shares of the 1972 Hi hwa User Fund. <br />ti. A fzfteen- ear veteran of the ttoseville Police Force has been hired to fill the vacancy <br />in the Arden Hi11s force, penuing a letter of recamtnendat�.on from Lhe Rosevi�le Ch�ef. <br />7. Miscellan,eous - The October Buildin,� Inspector's Re�ort containQd a num3�er of:,violatfans. <br />Appointments weXe marle to tile Le�islative ,Stu�_Cammittees a£ the rletro I.eague. Approxi- <br />mately lu0 trees were identified as having Oait Wi].t (one half lf last yea�'s number) . <br />Snow pLows will piow close� to roac: sur�aces this winter. Tl�e Councfl is consicierin� <br />an auditianaF pen�lty foz deli�tquent utili�y accounts. <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />In Octobex IC�65 �own Criers were mailed to the residents of Arden Hills. Tize response <br />has shown tttat many people were overlooked. If you have had new neighbors move next ta <br />yo� wi.�t�in the last thxee years g2ease farward their �ames to M�rs. llaniei Berke at F=3i-Ots66. <br />-t is iniperatfve that the membership boolcs be hrought up to uate befare the me�bership urive. <br />He�►PPY �HANKSGIVING: � <br />
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