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The rezoni:ng reques� by t�is Arden H�11s Sportsmen`s Club <br />will be heard by the Counczl at their December 2,7 meetin,g. ' <br />The public hearing was held by the Planning Commission <br />` on june 7., 197�.. It was originally scheduled for Council <br />action on June 14, 197I; however, the Council �alaled it <br />for up to sa,xty days . It reappeared on tl�e agenda on <br />December i3 and a vote was put o�f unti}. Monday, December 27. <br />The subject parcel is iri the Ramsey County Open Space 1 <br />Proposal and scheduied �or acquisition ,next �year i� Arden � <br />Hil�.s agrees . <br />