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_2_ � <br />Planning Commissian's proposal and t.o czrcu3:ate peti�zons according�y. <br />immediately a�'t�� the Arden �i11s iVo. 3 mee�.��g �5 visitors� mos�ly,residents ai <br />Arden H�1.�.s No. � and 2� vatec� unanimous�y to conc�r with the Arden Hi.ils No. 3 <br />Associatian actian and fur�hex �o recotnmend that tlae Village rec�uest a meeting with the <br />�ighway Depaxtment on the proposal as soon as possibl�� said mee�ing to be open �o the <br />entire Village. <br />Note: A co� of.the Hi hwa De artment pro osa� is on displa at �he Villa e�al� <br />xhere it zs availal�le for review �Oy anyone who wishes to see how i-t would. a,f�act him or <br />his property. <br />Plannin� Commission_- December 7, 1.9�1 �Tim Wingert <br />Case 71�-37 - Modi��.ed baildin lans and a landsca in plan were resented �'or a moteZ <br />addztion �o McCuire's Restaurant. The building p�an has b�en extended approxima,tely ' <br />3Q feet to provide space �'or 159 units. Tne�izded ar� 3 entra,nces frorn Couxzty Rd. E. <br />�'he plan was recommended for ap�rova�. cont3ngen.t on: (�.� surtable definition o� exterior <br />treatmen� arz�. calor selec�ta.on� .{ 2� in.clusian of a swimming pool trap for cliatomac�ous <br />ea�t3�, (3� backwash�nb during non-peak waste flow periodsy (4� posting .?�7000 Zandsoaping . <br />bond� �.n.d (5� Fire Marshal�. ap�roval of l�ui� plans. <br />Case 77.-�}5 - Recora�nenc�ed approval of the Stewart McDonal_d Lumber_ Co. buildin� permit_ for <br />a s�orage �ui.lc3.�.ng - --- .,.. __ - -- - <br />L"ase 71-�.4 - Willzarn Feyereisen �resentec� a pre�.iminary platting plan for 15 acres in <br />the Indian Qaks P1at. � Pubiic Hearing was scheduled for Janu�,ry 4i 1972 at .00 �.�. <br />sub�ect to receipt of plan.s with revisions: �I� a full 60 �ee� o� street righ�-of-way; <br />to be shown on plans, (2� Mr. Feyereiser�'s o�rn �.ot �o be included on the pl�,��ang� (3} <br />submittal af a variance �or the long cu3.-de-sac (ov�� j00 feet which is the Gode li�nit�, <br />and (l�} a�,Q foot wa�k�ray to the ad�oining Vil7.age Parkland to be entered a.s an "ov.tlet" <br />rath�r tY�an ded�cated to the Village. <br />Ca�e 70w2b - A final exca�vation oxdi.nan.ce draf�E was revised and ap�roval recommended, <br />Gase ?I-15 - Arden Hills is current�y governed by th� 1961� Building �ode. The Pl�.nning <br />Commission and the �uilding Inspec�ioz�, Larry Squires� recommended that the Vil�age Counc'� <br />- - . „ ,., . ,. _,.,, „ ,,... <br />the Uni�orm Bua�din� Code, to apply until July Z, 1972, �,� <br />adopt th� 1 70 edition of .. ___,_,_ <br />whioh �ime the R�Sin.nesota Bu.ilding Gode becomes efiective. <br />E3ase 71.-47 - The 1g72 contract w�.-th Midwe��t�.ning t�as recommended �or approvai. <br />Case 70-4 -- Amended Hi hwa 1 Recor�structian P1ans - 1'1a�tning f;omm�ssion recommendatior3.s <br />to the Caunc3l have a�ready been given in Ward Hanson's �eport on Page i. <br />Maunds View 5chdol Boarcl News - November 22 1971 Meetin Shirley �lingert <br />-� Held Pub�,ic Hearing on Ca.tizens Advisory Cammittee �epor�. Voted ta have the Parent <br />Adv'isory Cnuncils as one avenue of eommunication regaxding the recommers.dations of the <br />repor't . <br />�- Agreea to re--award teaeY�ers' li�e insurance to Investors Syndicate I,i£e <br />- Voted to join M�nnesota. �choo3. �ioards Association (MSBA} by dues of $211¢. <br />= Appain�ed ➢r. Roy Meyer as acting assistant superintendent. <br />-.A�xeed to.put all personnel. a�fected by the wage �reeze on the new pay sca�e a� o�' <br />�t1ie end of Phase I. <br />- A�praved al�owin�; Pil im House to lease tne Arden 5chool for anotY�er si.x �ant]�s• <br />- Heard x�port by Jun�.or High Pri.ncipals on co-ed swim teams. � proposal w�ll e sub- <br />mi�ted at the ➢ecember �5 mee'�ing. <br />School Board November 29 Special �Ieeting <br />- Because o�' th.e new �ax laws t�ie +��,x 1.evy wras xecertified in t�ie amou.nt of .s8,19q�920 <br />( the ma�cimum a13.ow�c� under -��e new law' . This levy is expected �o reduce t�e school <br />�ax �ate on property_ 3�y appxoxima�e�y 4� mi11s below las�,_,y�ear's r�.te. <br />- The ad.ministration responded to each of' the 12 recommendations in the Cz�i�ens Advisoi <br />Committee �eport. in response to recomr�en.dation one, the administration sizggested an <br />