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Town Crier No.63
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1972
Town Crier No.63
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���, a <br />Council directed Attorney_Court�ey to �neke a�ull i�v�ix'Y of the metter in vrev�r�tion <br />for a su�t a,�nst �h� land-filL contractor. <br />�e Nominations to severaZ commissions and commit�ees for 1972 were made as follows: <br />Cpnncilman Hallenhors�.......o..Planning C�aruissian <br />Co�ncilman Henderson.a..........�iman�e Committee <br />CounciLnan Herrick ..............Pexks and Recreation Caam�ittee and <br />� Ordinance Review Co�mittee. <br />All nominations were approved by tihe Co�ncil. <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL ME�TING - JANUARY 10. 1972 <br />Reporter - Charlie Crichton <br />I. Preliatin�ry �lat for Indian Oak� was anproved with cer�ain conditio�s. Sitzmark's re- <br />. .___._ . - <br />quest foz permission to buiid second buildinst (fa market sai�boats) was he�.d over pending <br />mor� 3nformation on planned parkirig. <br />2. AA17iq'VSj. af �he plan for a�+0 acre Mabile Home Court was deferred �o the January 31. <br />meeting to �iLo� time fior possible agreement between tlne Adasns and Clydens on whether or <br />not t�.e C1,yd�n property would be included. <br />3. �"znal list of ].972 individuaJ, and comwittee sppaintments was approved. <br />4. The Council is wo�lcing on resolution of the Arden Hi11s^fiscai urablem c�eatied by the <br />1izn�tation imposed by the �.971. State Tax Iaw. <br />5. Discussian of several poin�s cancerning th.e State Hi�hway Denartment's plans for recon- <br />struction of Highway 51 was pastpaned until the Januaxy 17�h Vil.lage hearing. <br />b. Council agreed with Highway Deparment plans to place a cui-de-sac at end o� �ronta�e road <br />nor�h of Hir�hwaq 9b, <br />PLANNING COMM�SSION MEETING - JAI�IUAI2Y 4,_ 19_72 <br />Reporter - Bob Smith <br />I. No., 71;-44 - Preliminary Plat - Indian 4alcs :�'he preli.minary plat was xeviewed and a publf ^, <br />heaXing held wifhout opposi�ion. The Plannin� Cp�nm�issf,on recnu�►ended approva� of the <br />prei�ninary plat inclvdirig a varfance and made it st�bject to approval by the Village <br />Attorney and ViI].age Engineer. <br />2. No. 71�37 - McGuire's Division� IDC Inns: Mr. L. G�h1 presented an artist's rendering o� <br />the proposed exter�.or and pqol area and a montage of the exterior brick and wood materials. <br />No action was taicen. <br />3. No. 71-26 � Paxtrid�e Construction Ca.: D. Partri.dge r�ported that he has abtained necessary <br />finan�3ng and exvects to �roceed wi,th cons�ruction in �he Sprin�o No sction talcen a3,- <br />thor�gh Mr, Pa�tri,dge was cau�ioned Lo present any antici�ated design changes to the <br />Cormnission for approval.. , <br />4. No. 71�50 - United Home beliverv: No repxesentative present so the matter was tabled. <br />5. No. 71-49 - Re uest for Buildin Permit for addition to Sitzmark Ski Haus: After re- <br />viewing sketches of the proposed addition and the plann�r's report, the Plannin� Cam- <br />mission recommended gppFOV$I subject to increasing the 3nterior arcade space, Mr. <br />Wegleitner advised the Commnission of h3s intent3on to erect EI 2�+ tAO� sail.boat on a re- <br />volvin� pedestal ta aerve as a si�n. A separate application is to be submitted for <br />approval of the signo <br />6. No, 71-21 - Mobile Home Court: Grad�ng, �.andscape, lightiag, wster, sewer and recre- <br />ational pJ_ans were presented and approvai recommended, subject to approvaFs of the <br />Viliage �ngineex and �uilding �napectvr and clarif�.cation of landscape plans. <br />7. iVo. 72-1 - Pemtom Inc.: A nubiic hearinu was schedul�d on Fehruary 1, 1972, 8:00 P.M., to <br />consider the reques� �f Pem,tom for rezoning, a special use permit, and plat approval for <br />a Planned Unit Development. <br />�, No. 71-48 � Task Farce Survey of the Metrovo].itan Lea�ue of Municipalities: A copy of <br />the completed survey questionnaire was available and circulated. <br />4. No. 71�4'3 - S�ec�.al Use Pe�tit, Drey£us Iz�ters�ate Develo�ent Coxp.: A condominium <br />developAien� propqsed Co be �.ocated west of T.ex3ngtion Ave. between County Rd. E and <br />
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