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_ - 3.. . <br />Tiller Lane was briefly c3escribed. A future pub�.ic hearing wi11 be.required and a <br />ing request wil], a7,so tae..necassary. <br />10. No._ 72-2 - Kotzer %at Sp�,it-Request: The Plenninst Goss�ission recommenderl ap,prova� <br />lot s�1it prapo$ed by Mxs, Kotzer and � variance waiving subdivision requirements. <br />are a�provale of the Villag� Engineer and Village Attorney. <br />`;.1. No. 72-3 - Re uest for Aivision of Taxes an ltea�. Estate: This request was referred <br />the Village At�arney. <br />rezon- <br />af the <br />:These <br />�o <br />12. Letters of app�e.ciation for past aervicea.wil.1 be sen� to fax�mer P],anning Cammission mem- <br />bers W. Hanson, R. Schtmmacher, and W. Larson.. <br />SCHOOL BOARU MEETING - DECh�i$�R �.3 1971 <br />L, <br />� <br />3. <br />4. <br />Repprter - Shirley Wingert <br />Heard a proposal frrnn the Junior School princip�3.a for a study . and a prostram to in- <br />clude �irls' participation in�athietics. Voted to aZlow,aecondary school coeducational <br />teams to p�rticipate in non-contact saeets ather schao].s providing such participatior� <br />dves not viol.a�e Mirinesota High Schao�, League regulations. . <br />Ap�ointed a five-member C�tizens Advisory Cammittee on �opu3.ation Studies to r� ort to the <br />School Baard any factors whictt wou3;d ,signific�n�lv, chanR„e, the current ,enrollmen� proiections. <br />Passed the following motion: Wtierea� �the Schoo]. Board h�s not had an opportunfty to eval- <br />uate the 45-15 Ian on i.ts meri�s for the purpose of making.a decision for or against iC, <br />xnd whereas iti is desirable and necessary that fur�her detailed information on wuch a pian <br />be au�ilab�e to the Board and�the public, it i.s moved tha� the Boaxd approve the aQ�oir�t- <br />ment of a Research Coordinatar. A1so, it heing incumbeni upon the Board to develop a mas- <br />tex plan foz sufficient hous$ng €or studen�s in the ix�ediate and long range future, this <br />plan should be deve�Ope� bY 3anuar,�,20, 1972e <br />Heard a�epor� by Bissell, �elair and Green, Architects, on buildint� basts for completion <br />of Irand��,e Hi�h School to acernuodate an additional 600 atudents and for a naw._�uni�or hi;�� <br />to accommodate either 900 or 1200 studeats, <br />SCHOOL BOARD MEE�ING - JA�]iTARY 10, 1972 Reporter - Shirley Wingert <br />%1. Rece�ved a suggested �olicy re��rdinQ student sus�ension,_expulsion, exclusion and excuse. <br />2. <br />3, <br />�. <br />5. <br />6. <br />At a public meeting,held November 1, a suspen.sian and expuls�ion policy was discussed and <br />the s�ggested changes have been �ncorporated �nto a new pol�cy. The sec�ions on suspension <br />and expulsion have been revised and the sections on exclus�on and excuse have been added. <br />The item has been p�.8C�.d ox� �he a�enda far January 24�. <br />To minimize busint� problems, the Board directed the administration to work w�.tl� the arch- <br />diocese and the parochial schools to redraw attendance azeas. <br />Received a letter frpca Attorney LeVander atating that the Distri.ct Court had render�d an <br />o�fnion in the Guelich case indicating that becauae of changes in the School District's <br />Maternity Policy the case contained moot points and the claim was disa�lowed. <br />Appointed Dr._ �eor,g,e Christenson, Ed�ewood Juniott Hi�h Schooi Principal,,�,a,s,Research <br />Coordinator � �� <br />(1} to stud ium►edi�te and lon ran e lans for rovidin school housin for s�udents <br />wi�hout i.�npairing the quali�y of education and to re atre various alternate ].ans <br />for consideration in case of ia�.lure of the bond issue. <br />(2) to s�ud intensive3. �he 12 recommendations of the Gitizens Advisory Committee <br />on Building and Faci3.ities Needs as stated i.n ita report. <br />Heard additiona� informatian regarding secondary school construct�on. Cpst �if�ures were <br />�xe�entad on adding to Irondale Hi�h Schoal to bring its capacity to 1800 and building a <br />third sez�ior, ttil�lz or expandin�the existing sen�tor h�,�h schools to 2400 capacity each. <br />Voted� to vxoceed with,8 bond election based on a conveational building p�agram and � con- <br />vent3.onal school year. The Board hopes to finalize a bond election nroposal; at �.ts <br />,Tanuary 24 zneetin�. <br />?t1BLIC HEARING - 3ANUARY J.7,, 1972 <br />Approx3mately-'9fl residents attended a pub�.ic heari�ng on .Tanuary I7 regarding the praposed <br />