_ �_
<br />iteporter - Bob Smith
<br />1„ Case No. 72-Z5, Midwest Re1ay Company's request �or a Special Use Permit far the Con-
<br />structi.on and operation of a micro-wave tower and service buildiz�ge in a Ietter from
<br />its attorney the Midwest Relav Comuanv re4uested tha� �t,s net�t„�gn, �or„a Special �Tse
<br />Fermit be withdrawna
<br />2a Case Noo 72-J.9, Bu�eau Investmen� Corporatian request to zezone the property att the
<br />Northwest Corn�r of New Brighton Road and Count}r Road D from R-2 (ltesidential) �o
<br />G-S (General Business) for the de�ve�.opment of a speedy market conveni.ence grocery store,
<br />30
<br />�o
<br />5a
<br />bo
<br />70
<br />80
<br />�
<br />After a Public Hearing the request was discussed by the Plannin� Commission which
<br />zecouanended that the Council, deny„ the, r�zonin�„request on t�he basis that it wouid con-
<br />s�itute spo� zoninga
<br />Case Noe 72-Z6, Ingeraon P�rk P1ans, Mrs, Lindquist of the Par�ts and Recxcation
<br />Com�i�tee presented the Hort3culture and Fi,n� 1 Constzuctfon P1aas fos In erson Psrk
<br />and a1.sa advf,sed that twa neax�y lots, which had been �ax �racated and accepted by the
<br />Vi17.age, would became avail�b�.e to solve the parking problem, Planning C�ission
<br />reca�tended approval of the pians as presented,
<br />Case Noa 72-�1, Indoor Tennis, Tnc, request far �ui�.ding �'ermit for curling buildfng,
<br />Arch.itectural and structural plans for the proposed cur2ing buil.ding were presentied with
<br />a xequest for approvalo Mechanical. and electric�l plans wi11 be submitted as soon as
<br />th�y are compLeted, The P],annin Co�issiora recommended that ti�e Council a rove
<br />issuance of �he Bui�din� Pextnit for rhe curlin�z build�.ns�, permitting ?�nitial constructian,
<br />subject ta the appzova� of the Vi11�ge Building �nspec�kor.
<br />Case No, 71-43 - iJreyfus In�ter�state Development Cozporation Request ior Specia� Use Permit
<br />for Planned Uni.t Deve7.opment, A Pu�Iic Hearin� was scheduled fvr Jnne 6. 1972 subject to
<br />receipt af all plans and required information, as previously outlined, and subject to
<br />receipt of reports from th� planners and engineersa '
<br />Case Noa 71-26, Rainbow HiI1s prpposed a�ended glans, Auiended bnigding plan� �or the
<br />Rainbow Hi,11s townhouses �nd apertr4�nts were presented, M�, Partridge explained that
<br />the plans had been amended because of the change in the marketa After com�ari.son wa.th
<br />the originai plans the C�issipn and its_Chai�rman advised Mr. 1'artrid�e that there were
<br />significant chan�e� in the new,�roposal and that these chan,�es cnuld re�uire a new public
<br />hearingo Th.e Planzzing Commission scheduTed a subcougnittee ineeting to campare both sets
<br />of plans to determf.ne the exten� of �he proppsed changes �nd �h'e fJ,exfbiiity which would
<br />be considered without another pui�i�.c heazingo
<br />Case Noo 72-20, Community Orie - Cable TV, Foux members of the Planning Commission,
<br />HoLlenhorst, Wilmar, Horty, and Wingert, w�.l�. repreaent the CoAanissian on a CATV
<br />Co�mission
<br />Case Noa 72-22, Re uest for Buildin Perm$t for an addition to the B� �en Su er°C1,ub,
<br />Mr, Welsch. presented plans for a proposed 2fi'x26' addition to th� south of_,the existing
<br />building to house the off-sale liqupr,store, �ow in the basement of t�ie same build3ng.
<br />The P�anning Commiseion recomnnen�ed approval,
<br />The Planning Cotr¢nission accepted a Ietter of resi. nation from W�1Ti.am Benzick and
<br />reco�nended the a ofi�tment nf alternate member Tom L nch, to fi.li the posto No
<br />appointment of s new a�.ternate was made at this timee
<br />Reporter - 5hix�ey Wingert
<br />- Heard a repvrt on the planning foz the new ,junior high schooio
<br />- Aslted tt�at resi,dents submit sugf�estions far the name of the new iunior hi�� schoolo The
<br />Baaxd hopes to s�lect a z�au�e at its .7une 12 meetingo
<br />- Rece�ved cop�es, fzam each of the secondary schools, of the no-smokin re ulatians and the
<br />_proceduxes thar will be fol�.owed in the case of violatian, The Bvard sgain stressed the
<br />need for continued emphasis an tYee search for so�ut;Lons to what severa�. Board miembers be-
<br />lieve are deeper student problems that underlie the sm�king, Membexs o� the stsff spoke
<br />ni ��ie difficu�.t�ies in eniorcing the regul�tions but assured the 8oard of the�r support
<br />�
<br />and desire to work co�peratively an the matter�,
<br />