- 3-.
<br />- - ,:,
<br />- Heard s progreas report on the designing of an A�ternative Leax'nin St lea surve .
<br />- Received £ect sheets €rom each school outlin�ng the �ees �hat students.�av, .Queations
<br />were xaiaed eoncerning the appropxiateness of such fees ix�.relation ta the concept of
<br />free education and whe�her these costs shou].d be budget i.tems, -�
<br />W Heard a report frosn the Superin�endent that the General Fund Bud�et this year comes to
<br />,�14,396.799 and the anticip�ted i,alance in the Fund w�11 be $1,388,416 or 906%, which
<br />is substantially below the 25% recommended by the State �epartment of Educat3on or the
<br />7.5% recanm►ended by the District's suditing fixtn, s�xd reco�mended tha.t no cut be made in
<br />�he operating balance, ,
<br />- Heard the resu�.ts of a cammunity opinion survey in which the citizens overwhelminglv
<br />su orted the o enin of school after Lahor Da , The 1972-72 echool calendax, therefore,
<br />wi.li reinain as previousZy sete
<br />- Approved the puxchase o£ 2l, power traiuers for the Industriai Arts Dept, at a coat of
<br />$1,4,5000
<br />- Awarded the bus tzanspor�ation bid to the on�.y' bidder, Columb�a Transit, Inc,
<br />- App�oyed the rental oi a building for s�orage space at the Arsenal for $900 per year,
<br />SC�i00L BOaRiI MEET�NG - May 8
<br />- Heard a repart on the progress at the planning of the, new 3unior high schoolo At the
<br />May 22 Board Meeting presentation�a of the decisians pn the education�s� program, space
<br />alloca�zans, and the next steps to be taken wi11 be madeo
<br />- Li.s�ened to a report of the Inrerscholas�ic StudY Co�nittee which included �xoposals
<br />foz a tour sport season to replace the traditional three at the junior ktiCgh level,
<br />chan�es„in the senior _h��h _school _�iz1,s athlet_ic_,�ro�rams concerning intrasnural and
<br />extramural progx'ams, and addition ai an i.aterscholastic pro�ramo
<br />- Heard drafts of palicies concerning:
<br />a. Grooming and H,air Styles
<br />be High Pressure Salesmanship
<br />(�Iuckexsterism)
<br />c, international Travel
<br />- Approved.the pre-test of an Alternative Learning Sty�.es Survey, A;�andou� sample of
<br />students, staff inembers and parents wiil eventually be sux'veyed i.n an attempt to
<br />measure the amoun� of interest in the provis�on of.�reater opportunities_for�atudents
<br />to select �e�lll�ng s�vles as well as course offerinQs.
<br />� r � r � �c � � * �c � * �c � * * � * � � �t � � � � � � � �r � �c �c � � �c �r � �c � � � � � � �c � * �r �
<br />The ioZlowing list of elected, and epFoin�ed officials whp represent the Villa�e of Arden
<br />Hi1Is is published at t�e request of res�,dents who attended a special meeting at the Vil.lage
<br />Ha11 on May 1 3.n regard to t�ie State Highway Department propossls for High.way 51e
<br />iJ,S, Senator Walter Mondale (elected}
<br />�43 Old Senate Of�ice Building
<br />Washington, DbC, 20510
<br />110 S, l+th Sto, Minneapalis 5540I
<br />Rep, 3osa E, K�xth (elected) 4th Dist,
<br />2432 Rayburn O�iice Bu�lding
<br />Washington, D.C, 20515
<br />Federal Court B�.dga, S�. Paul 55102
<br />UqS. Senator Hubert H. iiumphrey (elected)
<br />�+11. 4Id Senate flffice Bu�ilding
<br />Washington; D,C, 205Z0
<br />110 S, 4C�i Sta, Minneapalis 55401
<br />State Senatar Robert 0, Ashbach (electied)
<br />].585 i�ake 3ohanna Blvdo
<br />Az�de�i Hills, Minno 55112
<br />S�ate Rep, Ricahzd Andersen {elected}
<br />260� Rice Creek �ex'race
<br />New Brighton, Mirano 55112
<br />John S. (Jack} K4z1ak (appointed)
<br />(Metro Council Representatf,ve)
<br />292$ Crestview Drive
<br />Sto Anthany, M�.nno 55418
<br />