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o�_ <br />,, .._ .___._ . <br />$. <br />9. <br />�.0 , <br />11. <br />iz. <br />townhouse proposal. P3anning C�ission det�.rmined ths� e consultation wiCh the ViX�.age <br />Attorney was requtred and shauld be scheduled pr#.or to takiag �urtk�r �cti�x�. <br />Case No. 72-35 - Pemtom, Inc. Au�,ended Speical use Pert�t iteouest - A public hearing was <br />rescheduled on this matter far Augast 1, 1972. Amended notices will b� maile�i concerning <br />a plaaned uni� dedelopmeat and rezoning reques� fro� R-1 to R-2. <br />Case I�o.. 2�3b � Narthwestern Coi�e e Ba�ildin Per�it Re uest for Student Housfn .- P1a� <br />far a student housing develop�en� at Northweste�n Cc>I.l.ege were presented by Rauenhors� <br />C�rpnration. Plann�,ng Camtaission moved that te�e Callege ata�mft a tnast�r loteg-range p1,an <br />for campua d�ve�.apmea� befare it sc�hedules a public hearing oa Che prapaaed housing. The <br />lo�,g-ra�aga site plan ahould re�ate to the ad��cent r�sie3enti�l di.stricCs. If tk�e required <br />iniormatio� is aubmitted iLa tim� for the natice� o� pablication the public hesring could <br />be set tor A�ugust �., 1972. <br />Case No. 72-37 - Va�iance Re �est of Don Leht - The Boerd nf Appeals recammended appxoval <br />of the variance subject ta �h� apgsoval of t1�e adj�cent neighbor--which appro�ral wes <br />gfven. Commi.seion meanbes, M. Johnsan, volunteered to Inok at the property and report <br />to the Commission on �1ug�st 1, un�il which tfine the matter was tabled. <br />Case No. 2-24 - Midwea�ex�n Rela Com axe Pr� sai for M crowave Taw�r - A�ter review of <br />the propasal ti►e Go�misa�on reconfirmed its previaus xecammendatian to the Council t�at <br />it deny the Special Use I'er�it. <br />The Co�issi�an recoamne�,ded tltat an additional $10,000 be added Co the gpecia�, servrices <br />portion of th� �rovosed Plann�.nrx Comxnisaian„ Bud�,et £ax 1973. Mr. Nethercut of the <br />Met�o Council will be called Co explare the possi,bilities of receiving �edera� funds <br />for amendYnent of t�e Village Comprehenaive �l�n. <br />13, � ecial Usa Per�nit Re ufrements ior Plann,ed Unit Housin Devel.a ents - Tom Horty <br />moved and Shirley Ludlow aeconded that �he �ollowing information be sc�bmitted for <br />Planning Cammission constderation prior to reco�endat�oa for approval of Spectal <br />Permits for Planned �3nit Houaing Developments: <br />1. D�netty. <br />2, Site Topography <br />a. building loca�iQn (includiag garages� <br />3�. phase tnix <br />c. delineation af outside parking spaces <br />d. delinestion of a11 pu�lic aad private roads <br />e. delineatioa of a11 pathways a;nd �ormal Yecreatian areas <br />f. delineatioa of any ded�,cated lands and easements <br />3. U�i�ity P�:an. <br />a. site topography <br />b. trunk and iateral sewer, wa�er and atorna sewex lines <br />4. Recrestion Plan <br />5. Phase I Plan <br />. a. preliminary subdivisio�x plat <br />b. detailed utility plans <br />C. detai].ed grading pi�ns <br />d. detailed landscaping plan for Phase One <br />e. model homes area aad extxa pasking <br />f. glaz�s for individual homes : <br />elev�tions <br />materials to be used <br />i1s e <br />simpl.e outline o� interior �aaterials (floaring, wall ar�d ceiling materiels) <br />estim�ted sale price of each ua�t <br />MOLfNDB _ ViEW SCHOUL BQARA_ 13EW5 _�- June 26. �9_72 <br />Reporter - Shi,rley W�ngext <br />�'Note: This reporter.was notifi�d �y the Distrfct �ff ic� at �c2ti P.M. on this date that <br />there wauld be no Bo�rd tneeting because of a�ack o� a quorum. Hawever, minutes dated <br />.Iune 26 shaw that a Baard meeting was cal�ed to order at 5:30 and adjourned at 5:40 with <br />� � <br />