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- �- <br />Case, Ih�chow, 3ennings and �Tendt pzesent. <br />According to the minutes the fa],lawing actian� toak place: <br />*General Fund ExpendiCures in the amount of $1,722,364,98 were approved. <br />*Seven teaclters were hired and two resigna�ions were approved. <br />�: *Long term disability l.ife insurance was awarded to Horace Mann Insvrance Campany <br />`�A Txaasportation Fund was created and alI 1971-72 expenditures for transportation wi11 <br />be transfexxeci fro;►� the Genera� Fund ta th� Transportation Fund. <br />*i'assed a resvlution relating to Lhe meet-and-co�fer-law and esCablished a Boarci Policy <br />Co�nittee whose membership sha11 be Cwo Boarci me�bers and thxee admireist�ators. <br />SCHOOi. BQARb MEETING - J�1v 10. 2972 <br />The Board i�eld its first meeting of the 1972-73 year and the oificers for the coming year <br />are: <br />Elizabeth (�ast - Chaixman <br />Wayne L. At�chow - Vice-Chairman <br />Donovan D. Wendt - Clerk � <br />3ohn M. Case - Airector <br />3. Richard Clague - �frector <br />Carl A. Swenson - Dfrector <br />Henry Resman, administrative assistant - business, was appoinCed treasurer. <br />The xegu�ar meeLings will continue to b� held on the aecon�d and fourxh Mondays at 7:00 P.M. <br />at the D�str:lct Sexvice Center, 2959 Narth �Iamline Ave. Fram Segte�n�er thraugh May, [he <br />third Monday wi11 be set aside fax special suhjects and thase meetings will be t�eld in the <br />variaus schools within the Aistrict. Tentatively, the September meeting is planned for <br />Ironda].e for a further discussion o� tlne phi�osaphy and educa�ianal goals of the D�$trict. <br />The Board indicated approval of a11 parts pf the c�,erical staff negotiation agreement ex- <br />cept that regardiag hospitaliz�tion insuraz�ce. The Board agreed to �ay 50% of the premium <br />':�crease far tine employee and dependents. <br />ViLLAGE COiiNC�L ME�TxNG - Juae _26 L 19Z2 <br />Reporter - Waily Hieger <br />1. Public hearins� on i�loral Dxi�re and ares circ�es, Cantplaints fram hame owners were <br />heaxd covexfng the poo� condition of roads, the sewer which is �bove the 1eve1 of same <br />basements aad the time it is taking to aileviate problems. C�uestions cavered improper <br />campactfon of earth a£ter aewex +�as laid, supexvision of the job, and who will pay for <br />corrections (raad contractor, aewer contractor, Village, or property owx►exs?} Subject <br />d�ferred until answers are found. <br />2. An individual who did not caare to sewex a�d water assessmear heariags 1as� year and is <br />now concerned because he feels assessmer�ts on his land are too high was �.niarmed that <br />his 1ega1 rights might now be gone, but his complaints would be referred to the Village <br />Engineer. <br />3. Qne estimaCe ($22,000) has been rec�ived for aerial maps af Axden Hi11s. T�ese maps <br />would be used primari�y in the �evelapuent of a storm sewer plan but would also be <br />used by Public Works, Plannin�, Inspectors, �'arks and Recreation, an,d eould ba sald to <br />developers. <br />4. Dreyfus Interstate Development Corporatfon made further �resentations o€ �lans for a <br />�townhause developm�nt SW of I.exington Ave. and Caunty Road E. Residents from Tiller I.ane <br />have ex�ressed desires ior this area �o zesnain open or restricted ta single-fa�ily <br />dweilings. Dreyfus Corp, con�ends �haC because af high cost of i.and and extensive re- <br />contouring required this area can only be used �or dwellings, tawnhouses, <br />or commereial developd�ent. The matter was tabled pending further study. <br />, The.Micro Wave Relav Tower was disc�►,���d. Counsel �or Midwestern did not feel that the <br />