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�� <br />--Voted to keep the Superint�nd�nt'� base salary at $30,OUQ but to pravide an additianal <br />$3,I00 to be al�ocated �s sa��ry o� �ax sheltexed annuit�. <br />--Appxoved the 1972-72 expend�ture� �ud�et as fallows: <br />Genera�"'Fu�d ......................$14,248,038 <br />school Iunch F�nd..........o...... 697,944 <br />��nspoxtation Fund ............... 66G,789 <br />Capi��� Outl�y Fund ............... Sb9,�S4 <br />Building �nd Sit� Fund.......,.... 4,OOO,000 <br />Debt Redemptian Fund .............. �,4839922 <br />--He��� � repnrt o� the progress of the pl���ing a� �he new bui�ding program and appxoved <br />the schematic p�ans and the trans�er of $40,000 �r�n the Yronds�e funds. This money <br />will be used to bui�d a maintena�ce n�hicle stora�e building at the DisCrict Service <br />Center. �ehicles are currently stored in a bulld�ng at the Irandale �ite, which can <br />t�en be taken avex by the exganded Industrial Arts Departme�t at ��onda�e. <br />--Ag}c�d to apply fo; Fed�ral funds expected eo be about $100,040 to be us�d to help low <br />achieve:s in reading, math, and l�ngu�ge develo�sm�at in gr�des K-3 in f ive of the <br />elemen�ary schools. <br />--Approved the clustex concept of �he deceatralizat�on p�aa and approved the appointment <br />nf Dr, Roy Meyer ta the North Cluster and Dr. George Chr�stenson to the Sout� Cluster. <br />The South Cluster includ�s Valentine Hills, Ralph Reeder, Fike i.ake, New Srighton, Lake <br />Joha�na, and Be1 Air Elementgry Sehoo�s and Joha�na 3�n�or, H�ghview Junior ,�nd Mounds <br />View S�nior High Schaols. <br />PI�DiNI�G COM�3IS��ON HEETING ^ Au�us� i. 1972 Aepor��r - Boh Smit� <br />1. Case No. 72-3�. Pemtoat. Inc. R��uest £or �vecial iJse Permit for a Pianned Unit Develop- <br />tnent - The fira► prapose� �o cans�xuct � planned ur�it development conaisting of both <br />tawnhauses and �atio �iame�, The �i.�e involaed is a 70 acre pasce� �djaceat to and <br />r.�est of iiamline Avenu� an�3 runn�.�g sonthwa�d frrnn Highway 9b. The devel,op�ment proposed <br />includes 177 townhouses and 130 p�tio homes. The over-all groas density on the acresge <br />fnvolved would be 4.39 nnit� per acre. �he fixst deeel.opmex�t contemp�ated ia th�t of <br />the tor,a�houses on sh� acsu�h�rly por�aon oi the grop�rty, �nd a� is propo��d that t�e <br />models would be �vailabie in e�x1y spsing of 1973. The patio home development wa�ld not <br />be started unttl. la�er, wit� � p�opos�d showing a£ modei� by 1974. <br />Townhouses will range in price from $25,OOQ to $32,000 a�a� !a rize from 800 sq. ft. to <br />just under 1b�0 sQ. ft. �atio homes will be price� fro� $30,000 to $36,000 and will <br />contai,n fram just under 800 sq, fto to 2200 sq. £t. Both of the units are expandable. <br />It is likely that 50 or bQ town houses wil� b� constructed by 3anuary of 197�; thar is, <br />by the tim� the patio harnes will lse star�ed. I£, in the future, P�mtom determiaes not <br />to canst��ct patio homes it would return �o the Village for � new public hear�ng an <br />whatever new plans were proposed. <br />A11 dra��aage plana wi11 t�ave to be approved by t�he Village E��ineer. An ifnproved cul- <br />vert undex Sne],ling Avenue could assis� in ca�aying off more water run-off <br />2. Case �To. 72-36. Narthwestern CQ�],e�e Student Avartmen„�s �uildin�, Permit Ap�lication <br />A letter was received fro4a the College sa��hdrawing a��lf.catic�n. Mr. McKay, Itauenhorst <br />Corporatian. outl�ned sa�me m£ �he progased Iong�raage �$te deve�opment plans af Narth� <br />weste�n Coliege and expla�ned tha� the pree�.ou�ly gxoposed Co�lege st�dent sparttqent <br />was now being built an t�e Rosevilke portion of"th� Colleg� campus. <br />3. .Ca_se No. 72-39. L.P. Gas Eaui�eat. Inc. Re�uest for S��cial €7s� Perpnit - A Special Use <br />Per�nit was xequeated on beha�.f of Ap�ckte CQ�tainex Corporation, 1�30 Grey Fox Road, for <br />a 30,000 gailoa L.P. Ga� �ank or� its nropexty. A public hearing was scheduled at <br />6:3a P.M. August 22. <br />4. Case No. 7A-26 - Rafnbow Hii1a P Repr�s�nt��ives o� Belair Corporatifon and the <br />architects, Buetow and Assoc�,�te�, as we�1 ae X�p�es�n����,ves of Mx. Partridge and S�cy- <br />iine &iilders were pre8ent. �he Com�ission was advisec� th�t $uetow and A$sociatea have <br />deai;r� r�sgonsfbiiity for �h� p�oject and that the dat�elopmen� team includes Belair <br />