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-9� <br />Corporatian, Skyiine &�ilders, Do�.a� Engin�eering, ax1 work�ng with Air, P��tr��g� fo� <br />the development of tt�e project as praposed. Planning Commiseion schedul�dl a spe6ial <br />�eeting for �lugust 10, st whlch t3me it wiJL1 �repare its recom�te�da��ons t� the Viila�e <br />Couacil. <br />-, �5. Case- Na 2-41 Mult e I�ousin Devek en - J r ensa Pro er� -��t�orney, repre- <br />senting t�ie .Turgenaoa �family. appeared to pre�ent prelfminaxy d�awf.n�s for a proposed <br />�partmeat cc�plex ta be locate� a� apgrox�t�ly 56 acres south o£ County Road E an� <br />eas� of Highway 51. Planaing Cu�tasion reviewed the plane aac3 aaggested that the pro� <br />posel d�d no� appear to be sn imagix�ative use far the land inva�ved and fc�rther advised <br />khe applicants of the 'Vtllage moratorium currently iin effect concerning al�. type� of <br />multiple appl.icat�ons, <br />�i,Ai1NiNG CQ�fM$SSIQN ME�TING - Au �s 10 1972 - S ec a Meet n <br />1. Casa Na -Z6 Pa�t=id e Pro asal � After much diecu�s�ion the Co�is�fori concurred with <br />the p��iL�pAB of Attorney Lynden and ;1'�.anr�er S�ietier th�t the a�cessaxy ma�teria 1 has not <br />been su�itted for the Coronmis�ion'� consideratia�n; ihe auit plans and specifica�#.oas are <br />acceptable, h�t the aeceaeary site and �ngineering plat�s hav� aat heen submitted. <br />Paxtridge was requested to somply with the dat� ae outZ�ned in Resolatian ATso. 71-34, as <br />pasaed by the Villag� Council on Sep�ember 13� 1�971, amc� suhmit the necessary taatexiai <br />to the Planniag Caawnission for ccansicler��ion at the regu�.a�t Planning Co�iasion me��ing <br />of September 5, 1972 <br />2. Case Na 72-35 Pemtom I;nc. - Plsan�,n� C�rpmfssion recam�eaded tn the V�llage Cauncil <br />that a Spec�al Use Per�it be gr�ated to Pemtom, Inco, subjec� to t�e fallowing condf�ior�s: <br />1. if the patio houses axe built, the deneity ��tio of th� prmject wi11 <br />not change. <br />2. Drsinage prablera �o be �olved to the satis�actfon of ehe Vi�.lage <br />Engine�x a�d Vi�.lage Attoxrtey. <br />3. $50,00 per living unit to be submitted to the V�.11age 3pecial Furad <br />for the Village Park System, es each phecse �s pl,��ted. � <br />�S. A temporary cul de sac E80 ft. pavement, 100 f�, right-af-uray) to <br />be constructed at the weat �xoperty �i�ae, whic� is shown on the <br />development plans as a dead end BCree�. <br />5. The n►�in street widCh to be peved 31 ft. back to back with e <br />60 �t. r�.ght-Q�-way. �he twa en�ry ro�d� to be paved 2�4 ft. Uacic <br />�. to back with a 100 ft. right-o#-wey. <br />b. Special iise i'ermit is subjec� to cancellatioxa if e�ch phase is <br />noC started w�thin three (3) moathss of the suirmitted sc�iedule. <br />VILLAGE CO�JNGIL MEETING J 1 3 }.9 2 <br />Reporter - Cha�lie Crichton <br />1. i'ermission t�o construct 250 foat microwave rei�y tnwer waa deferred untik August 14, <br />while appraval of proposed Dreyfus develop�ent wa� deferred until August 28. <br />2. Although thege was sn a;pparent deaire to I��� noiee and/ar motor sfze on Vi�.lage lake�, <br />the Maynr reported.�ha� the Vil�a�e had no jurisdicti,on and a$ked ci�izeas ta write The <br />Ramaey County Board and the Cou�m,issto� af the M�nneso�a Dep�rtmeat of 18aturs�l Resources. <br />3. Siace �he vil�,age-owned stu=age bui.lding at 3242 New Bxfghton Road i,� na loag�r needed <br />for sLorage� Che P�blic Sa�ety Committee was a�lred to exp�,axe alternaCive uees, such <br />as a teen center. <br />4. Generai - Con�ract d�spute w�th H�GHona�,d Ag�ociates eettled for $11,750; praperty ease- <br />ment proble�as with Wate� Improvement b8-1 sti11 not resnlved; Parka and Recreation <br />�ornrnittee asked �or Valentine �ark drainage reco�enciatians; nothiag reso%ved on legal <br />problems w�th Grey �ox Road and Dunlap Street; p�rmit ftir ice cream veadi�tg truck <br />deafed. <br />VILLA.GE CO1lNCIL MEETING - A� u8t 14 Reporter - Charlie Crichton <br />�. Cansts•uction df a 265 foot microwave re�ay towex was approved for a lacation betwe�n 694 <br />and County Road P east of Hamline Aae. <br />