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Page 2 <br />Vil�age Cauncil Meeting - March 12, i973, continued <br />New Brightan a�legec�ly had) wer� shown i�o come from "Stink Lake" at ]430 Old Hig�way 8� _ <br />explained by Texgas representative �r�nch Vor� Del� "odors did no� come from gas plantd" <br />PUBL#C H�ARINGS SCHEDULE�: <br />Tuesday, April 3-.8 PM l.indey's request to pu�chase property immediately <br />east of l.indey's far acidifiona� office space, etc. <br />Neec�s rezoning from R1 to RB. <br />Tuesday, April 3 C. B. Rein discussing Planned Unit Deve�opment <br />(of�ice buildi�gs and shopping center) for sau�hwest <br />corner of Lexington and County E. <br />�uesday, March 20, 8 PM Flaheriy's asking approva! of Liquor Store with (arge <br />sign (discussed in �ast months Crier} for Highway 5] <br />- anc� County E corner. <br />Skyline BuildErs nofiified Planning Commissian of future intention of planned unifi development (]0 acre <br />townhouse proposa�) for County F and Valentine Avenue (Bus barn to 694 ta Valen�ine to F). No hearing <br />set yet. <br />Mayar and Counci� negotiai�ing with In�. Union o$ Operati�g Engineers this wee��. Public works errtpiayees <br />to attend waste water opercrtors schaol. Phillippi Lindquist appointed Chairwoman of �arEcs and Recreai�ian <br />Commifitee with Herrick's resigna�ion. Sherwood Berg resigned chcirmanship of �inance Committee. <br />Bob McNiesh resigned ffom Finance Cornrr;;tee. <br />Parks and Recreation to tfiscuss "The Barn" (�een drop-in center) as far as goa�s, c�irec�ion, ete. Youth <br />Activity Bureau to E�e discussed. <br />NOTE: 1) Thanlcs to Dick Bartsch for covering February Council Meefing �or me. 2} M�ch proposed <br />deve�apment of our vil�agewill be considered at future public hearingse IF #iJTEREST�D-SHOU�D ATTEN�. <br />################## <br />i'lannir�g Commission Meeting - March 6, 1973 Reporter - Walt Harn�er <br />�n a Pu.E��ic Hearing concerr�ing amendmen� of Ordinance No, 99, the zoning ordinance (Case No. 72-48} <br />the revisions i�cluded changing the provisions regarding s�ec�al use permits, adding a pravisian prescribing <br />performance standards for drive-in businesses and automobile service s�a�ions, amending the provision <br />regarding fihe enforcirtg officer and p�nalty, and repealing ofdinances No. �52, ]30, and sections 1(c) <br />and l(d} of arciinance No, 138. A su6committee will meet with Attorney Lynden and Planner She�ler <br />concerning fihe fegal aspects of the proposed ordinance amendment. <br />Mr. Vor� Del.I af 7exgas Company expiainec! the use and insialia�ion of a 1,{}00 ga�lon p�opane tank at <br />Interr�ationa! Paper Company (Case No. 72�-58). He stated that no odor p�oblems should res�lt frorr� this <br />