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Town Crier No.77
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1973
Town Crier No.77
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1 <br />A <br />Page 3 <br />Pla�ning Commissior� Meei�ing - March 6, 1973, continued <br />;:ype af gas installatian. Odors sirnilar to the mercaptan odorant in propane are be(ieved: to. cpm;e from <br />a polle�ted �ake in New Brighton. For the second time #he Cornrr�ission recommended Co�ncil approvqi <br />of a terriporary per►nit authorizing Internationql Paper Ca. to install the 1, 000 gc�l lon propane fank <br />with a protective fence. A proposal for landscaping or bvr�al of t�e tank must be submi�ted in the : <br />spring.. <br />A Public Hearing has bee� scheduled for April 3, 1973, to cor�sider a rezoning request (from Ro1 ta: R-$) <br />by Li ndey's Prime Steak House (Case No. 71-36). fhe rezoning fee wiil be waived. <br />�'he Commission requested that Mr. Duane Long submit a site �lan and exterior eievatians of a proposed <br />garage showing haw the garage wi I� f i t fhe sifie (Cc�se N6. 73�2) . <br />Mr. .loseph Bussard has applied for a special use permit to excavate and grade approximate�y ��,000 cu. <br />yards of clay (Case No. 73-5). The Commission agreed Yo natify Mr. Bussard that a public heQring won't <br />be scheduled regarding this application until all required documents have i�een submitted, including a <br />p�otograph of the site. <br />A pre�iminary discu5sion was held concerning Skyline Bui�der's townhouse �ropasal (Case No. 73-6), <br />�here would be 42 units pricer� at $29,000-38,000 locafed north of Cou�iy Road F, south of 1�i94 and <br />east of the school �us barns. Concern of the noise level from l-694 was vaiced. <br />The cotnmission recomrnends that the Council approve.t�e amendments fio Orc�inat�ce No.' 9$, the �` `` <br />, subdivisEon and pfaf�ing ordinance (Case No. 72-48). Ti�is ordinance amendment c�anges the provisions <br />'concerning residential pfanned unit developments. <br />�################�##� <br />ihe Second Regular Schoof Board Meeting - February 26, 1973 Repor�er - Elaine Shore <br />�he School Boarc� approved a cooperative purchasing procedure w�ich gives the dist�ict the.a�tF�ority to <br />p�rchase suppiies and equipment through the Stafie of Minnesofia so fihat money can be saved by purchasing <br />in q�antity. <br />�he Board gave ifis approvai far the sale of $2,3fl0,000 ir� bonds, which wifl be held on April 9th. <br />Richard Clague wc�s appointed as the officia� legisfative (iaison for the school 6oarc�, havir�g ht�d,:, <br />experience in fihis area. <br />A reporf was g�ve� about the S�BP and Title I prograrns, both in fihe area of specEai educa�:ion. These <br />progrmms serve approximate�y 350 chi Iclren. <br />The�financial status of the schoo� distric� was reportecf as baing "very l�ea�t " and with "no probieins <br />anticipated for the I�alance of the fiscaf year." There is some uncertainfiy ir� the area of federaf and <br />state funding. A study will analyze the costs of having districtrowned buses or whether iro lease thern or <br />both. <br />A breakdown for the organization of fhe distric� staff was given and major job areas describeci. <br />
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